Belonging: Poetry Anthology Activity Pack for GCSE Edexcel
Explore your chosen collection of poems with these student-friendly packs. Structured pre-, post- and during-reading activities for each poem cover everything you need to tackle the collection in class, for homework or as revision.
Introduce the collection
- Key collection concepts build a thorough grounding of themes, poets, literary movements and more.
- Comprehensive notes on the exam structure and assessment objectives instil confidence ahead of study.
- Plus! Key term glossary equips students with essential poetry terminology for in-depth and focused analysis.
Structured poem-by-poem activities
- Stimulating, creative activities explore and deepen understanding of context, language, structure and form for effective AO support.
- Visual support sheets simplify tricky areas of analysis from sonnets to free verse – perfect for revision or displaying around the classroom.
Excellent exam prep!
- Helpful essay-writing tips and guidance so students can develop and refine exam technique.
- Original exam-style essay questions – great practice for the real thing!
Suggested answers for all activities – makes peer- or self-marking simple.