Textual Analysis Packs for AQA AS/A Level
Boost students’ confidence in analysing unseen texts of all types with rich and comprehensive packs of notes, extracts, activities and exam-style questions. Get students comfortable with unseen extracts and thinking about audiences, purposes, genres and themes!
A detailed, thorough and useful resource which works well in terms of both teaching and providing revision activities to cover a range of aspects of the AS and A Level examinations
Packed with content!
For each text type:
- Helpful introductions covering all of the need-to-know language theory and terminology
Engaging exemplars clearly linked to the AQA
themes of language diversity
- Plus! Annotated versions – supports weaker learners and reduces marking time!
Focused activities for developing key
analytical skills
- Builds up to AQA-style questions for Paper 1 and Paper 2 to apply learning and improve exam technique
Very user-friendly and clear throughout, with well-placed and relevant activities
Bring it all together!
- Comparison section with activities, bonus texts and exam-style questions for practice hitting AO4
- Detailed glossary of key terms and theories – great for revision
- Indicative content for all questions and activities plus full student-friendly AO mark schemes – ideal time-saver for self-assessment!
Complements our Comprehensive Course Companion range perfectly!
What do teachers say about this resource? (7461)
An excellent array of spoken language resources to provide students with plenty of opportunities to analyse unseen texts across a variety of areas within the spoken mode. I really like the student-friendly AO mark schemes, which allow students to question their own work. I also like the range of current theory that is included, in brief but accessible form so as not to overload students, especially as spoken language theory is something that needs to be synoptically integrated into all other areas.
The number of spoken language texts and transcripts is fantastic as language teachers are always in need of authentic transcripts, so this alone makes it a valuable resource... Having an answer section and annotated copies of the transcripts is really supportive, especially as the analysis required at AS and A level can be challenging for students (and sometimes teachers!) The exam-style questions are great practice for students and familiarise them with what they will be faced with in the actual exam... The AQA themes of Language Topics are acknowledged and incorporated into the resource to enable a broader area of study beyond spoken texts... Useful for teachers beyond the scope of the specification for which it is written.
This is a really good resource which provides a really useful teaching and revision tool. The content is varied and meets the requirements of the specification and provides scope for students to develop their thinking and research beyond the specification if they want... The inclusion of annotated texts and suggested answers is always really helpful – both for teachers and students! The focus on spoken texts is nice as textbooks often contain just a single example. The inclusion of a glossary and the theories meets the demands of the specification well.
What do teachers say about this resource? (7460)
A detailed, thorough and useful resource which works well in terms of both teaching and providing revision activities to cover a range of aspects of the AS and A Level examinations. The varied range of texts, the suggested answers, the helpful annotation, and the inclusion of so much information are all great features of the resource. The resource provides a range of texts for consideration and allows students to revise key ideas and theories and practise analytical skills. The comprehensive nature of the pack means that it can be used for self-study (and/or revision) as well as teaching... It will work well alongside the spoken and electronic text packs for students to practise their analytical skills.
A good [and] useful resource... I liked the inclusion of example texts with relevant quotes and well-thought-out questions, which invite students to reflect on the technical aspects of language use... The practical and short exercises would assist students in getting into the habit of asking themselves these relevant and analytical questions when formulating a response in an exam... The glossary of linguistic terms and the handout showing in pupil-friendly language the links between skills and the assessment objectives are both very useful... The short summary of theories is also very helpful... The annotated versions of the texts are also very helpful as feedback and guidance for the students. Pupils can be given these after they have first engaged with their own analysis of the texts. These annotated versions will then highlight any features they may have missed and will help scaffold their response to future texts... The inclusion of essay questions, ... answers and indicative content is also very helpful... This [resource] provides ... an excellent grounding in the language analysis and application of linguistic terms that students will need for this specification.
I really enjoyed reading through this resource; it was very user-friendly and clear throughout, with well-placed and relevant activities. I could see it being used in a variety of ways by Language teachers... I particularly like the range and variety of texts and the clear, articulate explanations and introductions to text types... There are clear references to the AOs, and it covers the AQA requirement to explore a range of texts both from different periods of time and for different purposes. It also identifies the key themes required of the AQA specification and indicates when discussion could be developed further.
High quality and suitable for A Level English Language students. The pack uses terminology and linguistic theory suitable for this audience and meets the demands of the new specification in terms of the style of questioning and texts... I really like the answers section and annotated texts – very useful and a good time saver as students can self-assess their work.
What do teachers say about this resource? (7462)
This is a very useful resource which supplements existing material well and offers some helpful contemporary details too. The inclusion of the annotated versions of the texts and references to contemporary theories is really good. Questions about each text provide a helpful way into each text. The section on texts for comparison works well. This matches the specification really well.
A fantastic array of useful and varied text-type exemplars which would benefit any student needing to prepare for an exam where analysis of unseen texts is required. [I liked] the variety of texts included as well as the structure, linking key theory. It also keeps the theories short and to the point, not overloading students for these exams. I was also pleased to see some theory in there that I had never used/taught, suggesting a wide variety as well as some more modern theories, beyond the textbooks.
A lot of useful practice texts to use as prep for the exam. As it is a new spec we all need exam practice texts. It has also got up-to-date research ... and it is clear and easy to follow guidance-wise. I liked the studies on gender especially ... as this is useful for general knowledge and revision. I also liked the student-friendly grids to keep students focused as well as the range of texts selected.
- A Level English Language
- A Level AQA English Language
- Textual Analysis
- A Level English Language Textual Analysis Pack
- Paper 1: Language and the Individual
- Paper 2: Language Varieties
- Paper 1: Language the Individual and Society
- Paper 2: Language Diversity and Change
- Exam preparation
- Paper 1: Language
- the Individual and Society
- Spoken Texts
- Written Texts