Exam Practice for AS & A Level AQA French
Original texts or recordings followed by A Level exam-style questions and answers covering all AS / A Level topics. Comprehensive, skills-focused packs written specifically for the 2016 AQA specification.
Fantastic... ticked all the boxes as far as level, exam technique, vocabulary and content are concerned
- Covers a wide range of text sources used by AQA – so students will be very fully familiar with exam format
- Multiple opportunities to practise each task type in different contexts continuously develop students’ exam skills
- Engaging texts on topical issues in Target Language countries – make sure students are up to date for exams
- Clear and detailed marking criteria – perfect for peer-assessment
- Text types include: articles, advertisements, literary texts, testimonials, interviews, blog posts and reports
- 36 activities covering a range of verbal and non-verbal response tasks mirroring the SAMs
- Includes summary tasks with exam-style mark schemes
- Includes: factual and informative texts, interviews, reports, dialogues and testimonials
- Recordings by native speakers
- Transcripts for all recordings provided
- Practices both non-verbal and verbal response questions, including listening summaries
What do teachers say about this resource? (8756)
This is an excellent resource for A level French (both year 1 and 2 of the course). It meets the AQA requirements and I feel confident that it would be effective both in class, for assessments and as a resource for independent practice/homework. There are so many positives to this resource. Particular strengths for me are that it covers all skills and answers are provided, making it quick and easy to dip into throughout the course and can be easily self/peer or teacher assessed. The way that the tasks are labelled means that skills and learning are very explicit for students. They will feel that what they are doing will prepare them well for the exam because the tasks link so closely to AQA topics and exam style. In terms of content, this resource pack features interesting texts from a range of Francophone countries (not just mainland France) which will provide teachers with a basis for further discussion and can be used as examples/evidence to help students for opinions themselves in their discussion of stimulus cards and sub-topics or perhaps even as part of their IRP research.
What do teachers say about this resource? (9169)
I think that this is an excellent resource pack. It fits perfectly with the AQA requirements in A level year 2 French and I can see how it could be effective both in class, for assessments and as a resource for independent practice. The texts and activities are high quality and very clear. These activities mirror the question styles in the exam so that students are familiar with them and will get the specific exam skills practice that they so often need (and that text books often lack).
The texts are a good length and I was impressed with the level of challenge and appropriate structures and vocabulary.
I loved it. It's as if it were written by the exam board itself. The author is clearly very familiar with the specification, and has worked hard to find or create texts that are relevant to the topics required for the exam and mirror the style of exam questions that are found, especially the summary question which is a new style of question which is less easy to find practice on.
All of the articles are appropriate (in terms of topic theme) for the AQA specification and the style of activities that accompanies the texts are excellent as they reflect those found in the paper 1 exams. The articles cover a wide range of topics studied over the two years. I particularly enjoyed the range of articles. The focus is not solely on France which is always welcome as if forces students to consider other francophone countries (Belgium, Tunisia, Marocco etc). The activities also reflect the style of exercise that a student can expect to complete in an exam situation ie true/false/not mentioned, summary tasks as well as finding synonyms and general comprehension questions.
What do teachers say about this resource? (6829)
I thought this resource is fantastic for exam practice and ticked all the boxes as far as level, exam technique, vocabulary and content are concerned. This is perfect for practice just before the exam or as an end of topic assessment. It will save a lot of time looking for appropriate texts touching on those topics and aspects of French culture and society. Another good point is that the exercise [types] are identical to those of the new AS specification sample exam papers.
What do teachers say about this resource? (7467)
It is an excellent supplement to the AQA Year 2 course material, providing my students access to high-quality, authentic material while increasing their familiarity and confidence with the listening component of Paper 1.
As well as the variety of listening extracts which enrich my students' topic knowledge, the focus on identifying statistics within the recording is particularly useful, given that this is an area with which students often struggle.
Very useful, clear to use and a time saver... The texts are at the right level of difficulty and questions mirror exam-type questions. Excellent practice for the forthcoming exam. It will save you time trolling through the internet for relevant and interesting [content].
What do teachers say about this resource? (7420)
[Would you purchase this resource?] Yes, absolutely. A very good resource; exercises match the style of the sample assessment material on the AQA website and I like the variety of topics.
Very good. Great texts on various subjects that develop students thinking and understanding of French differently.
Great practice paper with differentiation possible. Very well structured and very useful for independent learning. Mirrors perfectly the new spec.
Synopsis attribution: Eiffel Tower during Daytime courtesy of pexels.com, Creative Commons Licence 1.0 Universal