Romeo and Juliet: Activity Pack
for Pearson Edexcel International GCSE English Literature
Get stuck into this timeless tragedy with a wealth of valuable and appealing activities.
Overcome [students'] fear of Shakespeare and develop a love for his plays
The pack demonstrates the play's relevance to modern teenagers using current media and popular culture, and the wide variety of exercises will appeal to all learning styles.
Carefully considered structure develops understanding:
- Build a foundation for learning and get students interested with introductory pre-reading exercises.
- Dig deeper with text-based activities. Every chapter is explored through a range of thought-provoking tasks.
- Consolidate knowledge with whole-text activities focusing on: Characterisation • Relationships • Setting • Themes • Ideas and Messages • Language • Form • Structure • Context
A terrific resource... full of creative and meaningful activities that will engage and educate pupils
Activities include:
- Insightful questions
- Stimulating reading and writing tasks
- Pair and group work
- Creative activities for visual and kinaesthetic learners
- Appealing tasks based on modern media
- Regular ‘Dig Deeper’ tasks to stretch more able students to enhance their understanding
- ‘Fun Fact’ boxes to keep your class interested
Links the text very effectively to the different exam boards
All activities are perfectly matched to the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE Assessment Objectives, and the fantastic structure makes the pack accessible for your whole class.
Plus! Suggested answers for questions and activities included.
What do teachers say about this resource? (1446, 7289)
A terrific resource. It’s full of creative and meaningful activities that will engage and educate pupils. The structure of the resource allows the teacher to prepare the pupils with pre-reading tasks, and all scenes are thoroughly covered with focused tasks. The tasks allow for class feedback so that all pupils have access to a full discussion of theme, character and language. Some of the tasks are enormously fun as well as educational. The resource’s greatest strength is that there is so much of it! I think this resource would really allow pupils to overcome their fear of Shakespeare and develop a love for his plays.
An extremely thorough resource which supports students from across the ability range... Covers all of the key aspects of the play in detail. A huge variety of approaches are included... The range of activities should engage students with the key themes and ideas in the text. There is complete coverage of all AOs... I look forward to the opportunity to use [this resource] in my lessons in the future.
Makes teaching and learning of Romeo & Juliet fun, engaging and purposeful ... a very valuable resource. The activities are wide-ranging and engaging. The mix of individual, paired, group and class activities was excellent. I love teaching Romeo & Juliet but this resource gave me, a very experienced teacher, lots of new ideas and refreshed my enthusiasm for the text. S Mann, Subject Leader of English and Independent Reviewer
A good resource that links the text very effectively to the different exam boards. Very clearly set out and accessible for teachers. I particularly liked the way in which the resource was divided into the three sections of pre-reading, during reading and post-reading/revision activities. It was also designed very effectively as a scheme of work with a clear path which was enhanced by the way in which the different activities were labelled as essential, useful and fun – this makes it very handy so that even non-specialists can guide their students through. Matches the demands of the new syllabus very well as it shows a solid awareness of the assessment criteria and the work that students need to do to ensure that they are fully prepared for the new type of exam questions being introduced.
Easy to use... The ranked activities in the Teacher’s Notes are incredibly useful... The activity sheets appeal to the students and are accessible across the range of student levels... It provides chunked activities to complete in class as well as extension tasks for homework... The ‘Dig Deeper’ tasks are excellent for stretch and challenge purposes. There is also a good balance of creative and analytical tasks... This resource will save you planning time, as well as provide opportunities for differentiation throughout the scheme of work.
What do teachers say about this resource? (7289)
'Some nice visual revision tools... I haven’t seen anything like this for Eduqas... provides good concise meanings and some useful overviews.' – D Holland, Head of Business and Economics, Independent Reviewer
- Pearson Edexcel International GCSE
- International GCSE
- Component 2
- Component 3
- Literary Heritage texts
- Shakespeare
- International GCSE English Literature
- William Shakespeare
- International GCSE English Literature Activity Pack
- International GCSE Activity Packs
- Pearson Edexcel English International GCSE Activity Pack