Comprehensive Course Companions for AS / A Level AQA
Explore language diversity in its various social contexts with this comprehensive pack of notes and theories, engaging student activities and exam-style questions. Flexible format to support your teaching of the new 2015 AQA specification.
A wealth of clearly written and useful information...
...It’s the inclusion of things like indicative content, terminology and definitions, and answers to tasks that makes these guides invaluable
Uses a stimulating and relevant range of unseen written, spoken and electronic sources – perfect for the synoptic approach of the new spec!
It was comprehensive and covers every conceivable aspect of the topic
- Versatile worksheets with regular tasks and discussion points encourage reflective thinking and spark debate
- Methods of language analysis integrated throughout activities
- Varied examples provided and complex theories explained in an accessible way
- ‘Synoptic Opportunities’ help students recognise how the topics merge with, support or contrast one another
Plus Vital Exam Practice!
- Exam-style questions prep students to achieve top marks across the AOs
- Indicative content included
What do teachers say about this resource? (8173)
It’s brilliant! The resource has a wealth of clearly written and useful information. It is clearly set out and organised in a sensible fashion. The progression, coverage and activities included are superb and would be an invaluable resource to anyone teaching this aspect of the course – especially those new to the topic... Starred theorists are very useful to focus on key concepts and to aid students in crucial revision... Synoptic link markers are very helpful... Investigation ideas are also great... The links to further reading are great for teachers and students who want to extend their learning... It’s the inclusion of things like indicative content, terminology and definitions, and answers to tasks that makes these guides invaluable.
What do teachers say about this resource? (7237)
A fantastic update to this resource, not only bringing in some more recent theories, debates and ideas but also making it really useful to teach the new AQA A level specification. I like the variety of different questions (from across all the different papers on the new spec) and sample answers, guided responses, etc. that are available. Great for both the experienced and new teacher. Also, the pause points for synoptic links to other areas within the subject really support this new synoptic spec and again make those links clearer for the less experienced teacher. The sample answers, the guided tasks and the structure provided for answering exam questions, as well as indicative content, help students to understand the demands of the new spec. A variety of theories are usefully organised... with links to a large variety of texts and articles.
An excellent resource! It’s absolutely comprehensive; includes the basics plus lots of newer theorists and their ideas presented in an easily accessible/usable format... There is a huge range of activities, ideas and web links – so helpful! It includes a good selection of exam-style questions, complete with indicative content of model answers... It is a good resource for anyone new to teaching language and gender (as I was last year) – ease of use, comprehensive coverage and excellent AFL materials! It will really help my new members of the A level language team and develop those already teaching the subject in their range, depth and confidence.
There is a consistent focus upon exam requirements, with particular emphasis upon relating the theories discussed to exam tasks and questions. Students are guided in detail with regards to the possible content of exam answers.
This pack comprehensively tackles the different research that is available - it's good to have it all in once place as no other resource, including the AQA approved textbook, covers it in this detail.
What do teachers say about this resource? (7765)
This is an excellent resource. It contains not only key concepts, terminology and theorists, but also revision materials and exercises to allow students to consolidate knowledge... Tasks can also be completed on both an individual and group basis and there are plenty of research opportunities. The assessments also come in a range of forms and so students are tested in such a way that they will know exactly where gaps in their knowledge lie... There are tasks for both class contact sessions and follow-up lessons as well as independent study. Students are prepared in line with the examination criteria, with past questions and examination criteria fully outlined... [This resource] would complement my lessons very well because it would allow me to plan fewer materials from scratch and compensates for work required for both inside and outside of the classroom.
A useful starting point for teaching this unit, particularly in regards to introducing theorists... It helps my students understand how phonology (which they have found particularly tricky) fits in with their analysis... The booklet is presented as both student and teacher friendly; the suggested activities are well received... Resource is fantastic for assisting students in understanding how to jump between GCSE to AS Level, as it presents information clearly, but also highlights the need for further research.
A very strong resource, which would be extremely useful for a first-time teacher of the content, or someone with more experience looking to brush up their skills... The signalling of key research studies is very good, and correlates well with the revision / consolidation tasks at the end... Very useful suggestion of investigation ideas throughout, which are clearly related to the topics being considered... Extremely strong, detailed case studies on specific global variations of English – likely to be extremely useful for both students and teachers alike... Many of the ‘introductory’ / key concept sheets are extremely useful as fact sheets / flipped learning resources / revision notes... The range of consolidation activities at the back of the pack is helpful for revision and assessment purposes... The theory memoire is extremely helpful... Indicative answers are likely to be helpful, especially for teachers new to the content of the specification... Student-friendly mark schemes are a great idea
Very comprehensive in coverage... Useful for revision as well as new learning to be consolidated... Some good knowledge in terms of theory, which will boost what students need to know... Useful exam practice questions and many activities designed to fit in with the AOs.
Meets the spec and would support teaching for both AS and A Level... There is plenty of coverage for students to read on their own... If appropriately selected from, it would provide useful home learning material.
What do teachers say about this resource? (7238)
It's a really valuable resource... This is just what we need!
The indicative content, based firmly on the style what AQA provide in their mark schemes, is especially valuable since we have only single sample exam papers at present.
It was outstanding. It was comprehensive and covers every conceivable aspect of the topic.
This is a very thorough resource which covers systematically the key theorists for this topic... The data that is included is very useful and will be invaluable in the classroom. The indicative content is a hugely helpful feature and will be a massive time saver for teachers.
The resource is effective and covers the main content associated with the new specification.
An incredibly useful resource whether you have taught this unit or not.
The range of materials drawn upon is wide and engaging, particularly for the new section on writing a media piece in the exam.
The use of top tips, revision lists and most importantly, for me, exemplar answers and context really enhances learning for the students, providing the teacher with useful prompts which can be used to push discussion but also help students of lower ability to progress.
A useful resource for teaching this section of the course... It includes both depth and breadth – theorists are included as well as transcripts... As a first-time teacher of this course, it has helped develop my understanding of what students need to know.
This is an extremely detailed unit of work [that] matches the specification perfectly... A lot of work has gone into the production of this resource, with many case studies and theorists covered in a student-friendly manner... The fact that Meanings and Representations from Paper 1 is woven into the transcripts is very useful indeed... The focus on Paper 1 and Paper 2 skills is a sensible approach and one which is going to impact positively on exam results rather than treating the skills as discrete units.
- A Level English Language
- A Level AQA English Language
- A Level English Language Course Companions
- Language and Gender
- A Level Course Companions
- Language and Occupational Groups
- Language and Social Groups
- Regional and National Variations
- Rational
- Language variety
- language diversity
- language discourses
- Textual variations and representations
- Methods of language analysis
- Language and the individual