A Streetcar Named Desire:
A Level AQA A Exam Preparation Pack
With enduring characters and a lyrical approach to exploring the dark themes of love, loss and lies, A Streetcar Named Desire remains a perennially popular choice at A Level.
Apply understanding and refine exam technique with key revision activities, detailed exam advice, essay-building activities, exam-style questions and model answers. Be prepared for A Level AQA A Paper 2B exam questions with this thorough and supportive pack.
- Student-friendly revision notes and activities on key elements of A Streetcar Named Desire including:
- Detailed scene-by-scene revision notes, and activities to recap knowledge of context, themes, motifs and more!
- ‘Exam Skills’ section containing:
- Sample essay plans with activities to provide a supportive framework for any exam-style question
- Tasks on writing introductions to ensure students make a great first impression
- Guidance on writing clearly and accurately for clarity
- 9 Section A and 4 Section B exam-style questions and 4 original sample essays, detailed AO commentary and reflective student activities – familiarise students with examiner thinking and practise improving grades
- Student-friendly mark schemes and indicative content – perfect for easy marking and self-assessment
Ready to embed into your revision programme in class or as homework.
What do teachers say about this resource? (11020)
An excellent resource. Clear and systematic approach. Good to go through all key scenes, but also to tightly focus on demands of the Assessment Objectives through focus on context, themes etc. Really liked the model answers at end - mid / high, and then linked activities to boost attainment further. Impressive vocabulary used... Layout was impressive. Good breadth of activities. Liked the revision questions at the end of each section, and also the suggested answers at the end too... Encourages an active approach to learning so students are engaged and thinking, rather than passively absorbing... By end of working through resource students will be well equipped for exams! Very student and teacher friendly... I enjoyed reviewing this. A great resource, would love to use with my own students.
It is thorough and would be useful to a teacher new to the text or wanting students to have a stand-alone revision aid. It is also useful for students who need to work remotely or to supplement class teaching.
I like the use of exam questions and exemplar responses, together with the examiner comments. Supplying indicative content for the exam questions is also useful for both students and teachers.
The resource is clearly aimed at the AQA A specification and is very clear on the assessment objectives.
[This resource] is very accurate in representing the received opinion of the text and very focused on what students need to know for the AQA Spec A exam, paper 2B.
A comprehensive resource which gave a thorough walk through of the text but also clearly directed pupils towards responding to the text in relation to the AQA exam board specification for A Level English Literature.
It was organised and aimed at highlighting the various Assessment Outcomes that pupils needed to target.
The resource was aimed at promoting self-study and independent working habits, and all of the activities struck a healthy balance between providing students with input and also encouraging them to take initiative themselves and apply the content to their own learning surrounding the text.
[It] gives pupils a thorough foundation of textual knowledge that allows them to build on and develop their learning. It is perfectly designed to help teachers stretch and challenge more able pupils, as it contains a huge number of activities designed to apply their knowledge of the text and advance their understanding.
The writer has taken a great deal of time to put together a number of tasks and elements to support student learning and understanding of the text. The analysis is thorough and accessible... The key questions at the start of the resource are very clear and useful. These will be particularly useful in guiding students’ learning and allowing them to access the assessment objectives... Context info provides key information in an easily accessible format... There is a lot of useful information and some excellent analysis.... The activities are good... The answers at the end are useful for consolidation.
Clearly aimed at the AQA specification with explicit links to the AOs and a range of activities to support exam preparation. The resource can be used as a self-directed resource, perfectly adapted for the current climate... It offers a comprehensive summary of each scene of the play... The exemplar essays are well written and offer a good road map for linking the AOs to the essays, with clear examiner comments linked directly to the specification... The glossary is really useful... The contextual information is helpful and is not overwhelming, sifting out the areas that are relevant to inform the play’s meaning with further areas to explore for independent study... Great for the current climate if students or teacher are absent from school. Well organised so that each scene summary leads into comprehensive notes for essay plans and would be easy to adapt to different levels... Overall, a great resource that I would recommend for anyone teaching this text.
I liked the resource and felt it would be useful for both teachers and students as a revision resource or to be used as a homework developing learning tool... It is comprehensive in its coverage of key events, context, themes and motifs and close analysis too. The scene summaries are useful... I like that there is indicative content for some of the sample questions as well as the sample answers – useful for both students and teachers... I like the tasks associated with each scene in the first part of the booklet – it helps to provide a focus or starting point for revision. It enhances the learning by having prompt questions or reflection tasks to get students to use both the resource and their wider knowledge considering key perspectives or points... It has value for both teachers and students as it covers all aspects (scene-breakdown, themes and context) in detail but in a concise manner, making it easier for students to recall this information and make links between different elements... It was good to see the sample responses with clear examiner’s comments as point of feedback as well as follow-up activities to develop students’ skills based on what they have read meaning students take onus for their development and understand examiners’ perspective.