Getting to Know... Como agua para chocolate 2nd Edition
- AQA: AS and A Level
- Edexcel: A Level
- Eduqas: AS and A Level
- WJEC: A Level
Ready-to-use research tasks, worksheets, background information and practice exam questions ensure comprehensive understanding of Como agua para chocolate. Students will know the story inside out and be fully prepared for the writing exam. The structure offers the perfect balance between guided classwork and independent study.
- Before: Introductory tasks covering the historical context of the Mexican Revolution, as well as the author and her influences, provide students with the basic knowledge to begin their study.
- During: Students complete chapter-by-chapter activities in order to fully understand the novel while developing their language skills. Also includes sections on characters, key themes and author techniques to provide further analysis.
- After: Guidance is provided on essay writing, followed by exam-style questions to help students apply their knowledge. Model essays with examiner’s comments and indicative content offer insight into both style and content.
- Plus! Ideas for discussion questions for the Independent Research Project included.
What do teachers say about this resource? (10857)
Overall, I think the book guide is a good resource. It has a good structure, it is easy to navigate and look for the the different aspects needed to answer a possible essay question: being related to the different topics in the novel, the characters or the historical background.
The study of the chapters is very thorough and I find it very useful the wide range of questions to help to revise the content of the book. I find the summary in Spanish and the vocabulario section very useful.
I think the author has been right in their choice of activities to complement the study of charters. I can see that, as stated in the introduction, there are tried and tested activities with actual year 12 and 13 students.
I believe the guide would help students to build up their vocabulary to use in their exam questions. There are many activities with examples of description of characters and description of the plot.
I find it paramount that students know how they are going to be assessed, therefore the marked examples of essays with specific feedback are very useful and clear for students.
Finally, I find it very useful the checklist and the general advice on essays and on describing characters. These last resources are very clear and the questions are very specific to encourage students to improve their work and avoid missing out something. The plan activity to describe characters is very good, enables students to think of the characters from different points of views (reader and author) and it provides good key vocabulary to use in that description.
I like the presentation and the layout. It is very clear and it is easy to find what specific aspect you want to revise.
I think it would help students studying this specification as there is a detailed analysis of the mark scheme (of all boards) and it provides examples of a good essay, plus comments for the assessment objectives. The style of the answers suggestions is very similar to the one used by AQA, so it will enforce the practice already done in class.
- Como agua para chocolate
- Like Water for Chocolate
- Getting to know
- A Level MFL Getting to Know
- A Level Spanish Getting to Know
- A Level AQA Getting to Know
- A Level Edexcel Getting to Know
- A Level Eduqas Getting to Know
- A Level AQA Spanish Set Text
- A Level Edexcel Spanish Set Text
- A Level Eduqas Spanish Set Text
- A Level WJEC Getting to Know
- A Level CCEA Getting to Know