Homeworks for International GCSE Edexcel French

Facilitate independent learning with these comprehensive, ready-to-use homeworks for International GCSE Edexcel French! Stand-alone worksheets cover every topic in the new specification for exams from 2019 and provide carefully structured support to reinforce learning:

  • All areas of the Edexcel International GCSE covered
  • Each worksheet builds upon a wide range of skills, from vocabulary and reading to grammar and writing
  • Full answers provided for easy self-, peer- or teacher marking

Designed well for pupils to do for homework... nice layout with vocabulary, reading, grammar, writing

S Lemmetyinen, French Teacher and Peer Reviewer
  • Consolidate and build upon knowledge and skills already learned – no additional teacher input required!
  • ‘Mix and match’ as homeworks, cover lessons, end of topic revision or classroom-based learning tasks – ultimate flexibility
  • Meet the demands of the new specification and give students all the necessary tools to succeed in their exams

What do teachers say about this resource? (10353)

[Would you purchase this resource?]
Yes I definitely would! It is well put together, with the right balance of easy vs more challenging tasks and gives pupils the opportunity to revise their vocabulary for all the topics, and a chance to widen their bank of vocabulary. The written tasks at the end of each topic section are a good way for teachers to see how well they are doing at the end of each unit. I really liked the reading material and accompanying comprehension exercises. Most texts were written in an authentic manner and also gave pupils an insight into French culture. It is a great add-on type of resource that would be most useful at the end of a topic, before mocks or at the end of the course, before the actual iGCSE exam as it revisits all the course topics.

J Burel, Teacher & Peer Reviewer

On the whole, I like the resource. I feel it is pitched at a level which can stretch able learners while supporting those who are aiming for lower grades. It can be difficult to come up with meaningful homework that is accessbile to the student without a specialist teacher. This resource strikes the balance between accessibility and difficulty.

D Lester, Teacher & Peer Reviewer