Supporting Weblinks for Travel and Tourism
Some resources which contain a significant number of hyperlinks to external content (e.g. for further reading, YouTube videos, etc.) have a web links page.
As well as saving your students' time in typing all of the URLs in the resources, this also allows us to more easily replace any links which become broken after publication. (So if you do find any in your resources, please tell us about them!)
BTEC Firsts
Level 1/2 First (2013)
Case Studies and Activities
- Support files for 5662 - BTEC First T&T Case Studies and Activities: Unit 4 International Destinations
- Support files for 5628 - BTEC First T&T Case Studies and Activities: Unit 7 T&T Business Environments
Although we cannot guarantee that there are no viruses in any of our downloads, we make every effort to ensure that there are no viruses on our system. We have never had a report of a virus in our downloads. If you are not sure about this, contact your own network administrator for advice.