Weblinks and videos for use with 6025 – A Level AQA Teaching Pack: Paper 3: Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods
Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Plan 3
Lesson Plan 4
Lesson Plan 7
- ONS: Video Summary: A guide to crime statistics (NB: Video no longer available, but transcript of original video is available at this link. Alternatively, see the fourth link in this section, from the ONS, with a written summary from the same report)
- ONS: Video Summary: Crime Statistics for England and Wales, 2013/14 (NB: Video no longer available, but transcript of original video is available at this link. Alternatively, see the fourth link in this section, from the ONS, with a written summary from the same report)
- HMIC: The crime recording process
- ONS: Crime in England and Wales Latest Summaries and Publications
- BBC News: Police fail to record one in five of all crimes reported to them, says report
- ONS: Crime Survey for England and Wales FAQ
- ONS: About the Crime Survey for England and Wales
Lesson Plan 8
Lesson Plan 9
Lesson Plan 10
- GOV.uk: Forced marriage now a crime
- Criminalising forced marriage in the UK: why it will not help women
Lesson Plan 11
- Time to Change: Let's End Mental Health Discrimination: Research and reports
- Time to Change: Let's End Mental Health Discrimination: Mental health statistics, facts and myths
Lesson Plan 13
- National Geographic: The Ship-Breakers (page no longer exists)
- Marine Insight: Top 10 Documentary Films on Ship Breaking Industry
- Practical Law: Corporate crime, fraud and investigations in UK (England and Wales): overview
- Discover Society: Viewpoint: The Rich: The Elephant in the Sociology Room
- Oxfam: Even it Up: Time to end extreme inequality
- BBC News: Why are Bhopal survivors still fighting for compensation?
- The New York Times: Ecuador Judge Orders Chevron to Pay $9 Billion
- GOV.uk: Tax cuts for businesses worth over £11 billion per year in 2014-2015
- Greenpeace: End of Life: The Human Cost of Breaking Ships
Lesson Plan 14
- Huffington Post: The Most Scandalous White-Collar Cases Of 2009
- The Guardian: MPs claiming more expenses now than at height of 2009 scandal
Lesson Plan 16
Lesson Plan 17
- Upworthy: 5 black crime myths: Which ones did you believe?
- Pitchfork: Killer Mike Delivers Emotional Speech in St. Louis After Ferguson Grand Jury Decision
- The Guardian: Eric Garner put in chokehold by NYPD officer – video
- Gawker: Unarmed People of Color Killed by Police, 1999-2014
- Panorama: The Secret Policeman
- Prison Reform Trust: Race: A Fair Response
- The Guardian: Black women’s sexuality has always been overpoliced
- Prison Population Statistics PDF
Lesson Plan 18
- Occupy Arrests.com
- Occupy Together: What issues are being addressed by the #occupy movement?
- The Guardian: Benefit fraud – the facts and figures
- New Statesman: You’re 23 times more likely to be prosecuted for benefit fraud
- The Guardian: Meet criminals who cost UK £14bn: the middle class
- Global Exchange: Top 10 Corporate Criminals List [Updated]
- Huffington Post: Images
- The Guardian: First Book Award: Chavs by Owen Jones
- BBC News: England rioters 'poorer, younger, less educated'
- ONS: About CHU classifications
- ONS: the National Statistics Socio-economic classification
Lesson Plan 19
- The New York Times: Women Inmates: Why the Male Model Doesn’t Work
- Mail Online: Judges ordered to show more mercy on women criminals when deciding sentences
- The Guardian: Women and the criminal justice system: what do the latest statistics show?
Lesson Plan 20
- Huffington Post: Police Said I Wasn't Raped Because He Didn't Orgasm
- University Herald: Student Activist Group No Red Tape Fined $1,500 in Wake of Mattress Demonstration
- Artnet News: Columbia Student's Striking Mattress Performance
- Left Foot Forward: Infographic: The UK’s low rape conviction rate
- ONS: Sexual offences in England and Wales year ending June 2013
Lesson Plan 21
- The New York Times: Wal-Mart to Pay U.S. $11 Million in Lawsuit on Illegal Workers
- LA Times: Desperate workers on a Mexican mega-farm: 'They treated us like slaves'
- GOV.uk: Understanding organised crime
- The Guardian: Mexico: protests at admission that 43 missing students were massacred
- BBC News: Who is behind Mexico's drug-related violence?
- The Guardian: There's little mystery to this mass grave: Mexico's drug war is killing children
- Stop The Traffik: What is Human Trafficking?
- UNODC: Human Trafficking
- Free the Slaves: About Slavery
- VICE: Immigrants Are Being Kept As Cannabis Slaves in Britain and Ireland
- VICE: I Posed as a Prostitute in a Turkish Brothel
- TED: Who are the hackers?
- BBC News: David Cameron says new online data laws needed
- The Guardian: Banning all encryption won't make us safer, no matter what David Cameron says
- Hacker Hat Colors Explained: Black Hats, White Hats, and Gray Hats
- The Guardian: WikiLeaks: not perfect, but more important than ever for free speech
- League Against Cruel Sports: Hunting
- The Ecologist: BP oil spill: can environmental crime ever be made to pay?
- Greenpeace: Investigations
- Salon: Bush and Blair found guilty of war crimes for Iraq attack
- Vice News
- State Crime Research
- Genocide Watch: What Is Genocide?
- Children Associated with Armed Forces or Armed Groups
- Unicef: Child Labour
Lesson Plan 22
Leson Plan 23
- UNODC: Audio
- International State Crime Initiative: State Terror and The Bougainville Conflict: Testimony Project
Lesson Plan 24
- Mail Online: 'Coming live from prison. Who's missing me?'
- The Telegraph: Gordon Ramsay: 'I can't believe how easy life is in British prisons'
- The Guardian: Prisons union claims life in jail is too soft
- BBC News Beat: Jail life: Bad food for inmates encourages violence
- The Guardian: Why prison isn't working for women
- The Guardian: Life in America's toughest jail
- Prison Reform Trust: Latest News and Publications
Lesson Plan 25
Lesson Plan 27
Lesson Plan 28
Lesson Plan 29
- The Guardian: Prison suicide rate at highest level since 2007, figures show
- Open Justice: Reoffending: Prisons
- GOV.uk: Policies
Lesson Plan 30
- GOV.uk: One Year
- Restorative Justice Council: Resources
- Mail Online: 'Short skirts and high heels risk rape' warning lands male MP in sexism storm
- Reclaim the Night: Why Reclaim the Night?
- Huffington Post: Steubenville Rape Case