Weblinks and videos for use with 9849 – Stretch and Challenge Articles for Pearson Edexcel IG Biology Pack 1

1: The Very Hungry Eukaryote!

2: The Life and Times of Good Bacteria

3: Viral Diseases – Ebola

4: Stem Cells – Growing the Future of Medicine

5: Digestive Enzymes, Clean Clothes and Smelly Cheese

6: The Life Osmotic

7: Carnivores in the Plant World

8: The Oxygen Apocalypse!

9: Holes in Stomachs

10: Diets: Are All Diets Good Diets?

11: Lactic Acid – the Enemy of Athletes?

12: Catching a Breath

13: Diseases of Blood: Sickle-cell Disease

14: Influenza vs Humanity; the Fight Continues

15: Having a Change of Heart

16: Alzheimer’s Disease

17: Seeing the Bigger Picture

18: Sights for Sore Eyes

19: Amazing Thermoregulation

20: Sweet Dream Monotremes – Platypus Venom and Diabetes