Weblinks and videos for use with 12482 – Classical Civilisation A Level OCR: Culture and the Arts: Imperial Image

Early History of Rome

The Mythical Founding of Rome

The Seven Kings of Ancient Rome explained in Seven Minutes

Early History of Rome

Augustus as a military general

The Mythical Founding of Rome

The final showdown: the Battle of Actium

The Battle of Actium - We can at least agree ships were involved!

The positive Spin begins

Jason Fights The Guardian Of The Golden Fleece

Augustus restores religion

The Temple of Apollo Palatinus 3D reconstruction

Augustus restores peace

Augustus of Primaporta, power and propaganda

Golden Age

Augustus’s Building Programme

An early museum: The Forum of Augustus - Ancient Rome Live

Ara Pacis Augustae, Rome

Augustus’s image in the empire

Section B: How successful was Augustus in maintaining his image, even after death?

A Quick Guide to the Form of the Roman Triumph

A different image of Augustus

Homer's The Odyssey summary

Homer's The Odyssey summary, part 2

Section C: Topics, Themes and examination advice