Practice Papers for GCSE AQA German
2024 specifications: Available for Listening and Reading
Comprehensive exam practice for the Listening and Reading papers. For each tier, there are three full practice papers, mirroring AQA Sample Assessment Materials.
The three papers cover the foundation reading paper brief very well.
All practice papers meet the requirements of the 2024 specifications and are followed by mark schemes based on those used by the exam board.
Ideal for teachers of the new GCSE German specification
- Every specification topic is included, ensuring that students are familiar with questions on a wide range of issues
- Interesting and up-to-date topics to stimulate students and encourage them to engage with the material
- All activity types are covered – students will be completely familiar with the exam format
- Fully matched to the 2024 vocabulary and grammar lists
What do teachers say about this resource? (12795)
I found this to be an excellent resource, ideal for teachers of the new GCSE German specification.
The strengths of this resource are its clarity and ease of use. The instructions and mark schemes are very clear, meaning that it can be picked up and used straight away by both teachers and also pupils in independent learning/review.
I particularly liked the question that elicits meaning of an unfamiliar word (e.g. Tatsachen) as this is a new question style and there are fewer readily available resources in this style, even in the new textbooks.
The three papers cover the foundation reading paper brief very well. The German is clear and accessible but also provides challenge. The texts are interesting to read and grapple with.
- GCSE AQA German Foundation
- Paper 1: Listening
- GCSE Practice Papers
- GCSE Languages Practice Papers
- GCSE 2024 AQA
- GCSE AQA German Practice Papers
- GCSE AQA German Practice Papers: Listening
- GCSE German Practice Papers
- GCSE German
- GCSE 9-1 AQA German (8662)
- GCSE AQA German Listening
- GCSE AQA Practice Papers
- GCSE AQA German Higher
- GCSE AQA German Reading
- GCSE AQA German Practice Papers: Reading
- Paper 3: Reading