Online Topic Tests for AQA GCSE PE

Pinpoint your students’ strengths and weaknesses and track their progress!
23 interactive topic tests for AQA GCSE PE
Perfect for summative assessments; in-class, for revision or as homeworks!
- Auto-marking closed questions for quick, efficient and standardised marking
- Model solutions and indicative mark schemes for open questions support student- or teacher-led marking options
Comprehensive and progressive tests…
- 325+ multiple-choice questions all with invaluable explanations
- Interactive questions – categorise; pin drop; match-ups and reorder
- Open exam-style questions allow for deeper assessment of the topic
… perfect preparation for the exams!
Develop reflective learners!
- Instant feedback in learning mode reinforces knowledge, affirms understanding or exposes misconceptions
- Variety of question types motivate and engage learners
Intelligent teacher insight…
- Easy set-up and slots into any SoW
- Progress tracking map with teacher oversight of student progress
- Integrated marking tools…
- Start marking as soon as any question is submitted
- Sequential marking option – All Q1s followed by all Q2s
- Leave effective feedback to support student understanding

Online Topic Tests for AQA GCSE PE is powered by eRevison!
Experience unique questions with these Online Topic Tests, distinct from those found in our photocopiable Topic Tests and standard eRevision package for AQA GCSE PE!
What do teachers say about this resource? (11947)
The students really engage well, they like the questions and the different styles of assessment, they feel it is not so pressurised and actually enjoy doing the tasks...
...It is also easy to track and make comparisons on their learning... It is a quick and easy way to set assessments to consolidate the learning and understanding, which can be useful to set as homework or use to prepare the next lessons
Teachers can easily track progress and identify areas of weakness before the exam. Amazing!
I really like the questions asked. I have reviewed quite a lot of resources for you and this is the one I have wanted most so far. Incredibly useful.
A key revision tool!
Invaluable! The interactivity element is excellent and would appeal very much to the modern student.
Outstanding quality... I will recommend your organisation to everyone in the teaching profession. I would like to thank you for the use of your resources which are of an outstanding quality.
- 3.1 The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
- 3.2 Socio-cultural influences and well-being in physical activity and sport
- Applied anatomy and physiology
- AQA PE resources
- eRevision
- GCSE AQA Physical Education (8582)
- GCSE eRevision
- GCSE PE eRevision
- GCSE Physical Education
- Health, fitness and well-being
- Interactive Topic Tests for PE
- Movement analysis
- Online Exam Preparation
- Online Topic Tests for PE
- Physical training
- Practice Tests Online
- Socio-cultural influences
- Sports psychology
- Use of data