Topic Tests for AQA GCSE PE
A precise and comprehensive diagnostic tool!
Reveal students strengths and weaknesses for all topics of the AQA GCSE (9-1) PE specification.
Quick, easy to use, no hassle tests

24 thoughtfully structured tests, each gradually increasing in difficulty. From multiple choice to extended exam-style questions – perfect preparation for each exam.
- Varied question styles – through match-ups, gap-fills, labelling diagrams, tables, or graphs – maximise engagement and formats expected in the exam.
- Questions include many authentic scenarios and images to link theory and practice.
- Opportunities for data analysis in relation to key areas of physical activity and sport.
- Use in-class, for revision or as homeworks!
- Comprehensive answers with mark allocations for effective peer- and self-assessment.
Would recommend...
...Provides questions to check pupils understanding, has clear mark schemes to support teachers
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Check out Online Topic Tests for AQA GCSE PE powered via eRevision.
What do teachers say about this resource? (6477)
A very good resource... it will save teachers time creating new topic tests for the new syllabus. It allows for all pupils/students to look at the possibilities of the different types of questions that possibly could come up in the new examinations. The questions for each unit allow pupils to see the ways in which questions can be asked for that particular area. The layout is ideal, with the number of marks each question is worth as it allows the pupils to see how long they really should be spending on each question and the detail involved.
Great summary questions in each topic area. Provides questions to check pupils understanding, has clear mark schemes to support teachers. Will use as end of unit/topic tests to check understanding... Would recommend.
[It is better than some other resources because...] it gets updated
A good resource [with a] range of questions. Good layout and answers, with clear points. Reduces work load.
A very good resource that can be used for end of topic tests, homework tasks or revision tasks. [Provides] more exam practice to develop their application of knowledge.
Good resources for checking acquired knowledge.. All aspects of paper 1 units are covered and chunked into lesson length test – not too long. Gives a point of assessment to check regularly how much [students] have retained/understood. Quick, easy to use, no hassle tests.
This is an excellent resource that would save teachers a massive amount of time in creating questions to assess the knowledge and understanding of pupils. A useful assessment tool.
What do teachers say about this resource? (6479)
Clearly labelled and well set out in order... Lots of questions and mark schemes, so easy for pupils and teachers to use.
Very useful summarising questions on each section of paper 2... to check pupils learning, with clear mark schemes. Will help pupils prepare for the exam.
Great resource with a variety of different questions reflecting the exam.
- 3.1 The human body and movement in physical activity and sport
- Applied anatomy and physiology
- AQA PE resources
- GCSE AQA Physical Education (8582)
- GCSE PE Topic Tests
- GCSE Physical Education
- GCSE Topic Tests
- Movement analysis
- Physical training
- Topic Tests for PE
- Use of data
- 3.2 Socio-cultural influences and well-being in physical activity and sport
- Health, fitness and well-being
- Socio-cultural influences
- Sports psychology