Course Companions for OCR Cambridge Nationals: Sport Studies (2022)
Comprehensive, accessible notes help students tackle the content of R184 and R185 of the Level 1/2 OCR Cambridge Nationals: Sport Studies specification (J829) – for first teaching in 2022; assessments from 2024.
Integrate easily into your lessons!
- Detailed, student-friendly course notes cover all specification content, with integrated key terminology boxes to maintain focus and build familiarity with essential terms.
- Thought-provoking images and diagrams – stimulates visual learners
- Sporting examples and case studies – demonstrates effective application of the content
The content is varied, with the use of different visual tools to aid engagement and display information in different ways
Each chapter also includes...
Two sets of revision questions (with answers):- Checking understanding questions – test and assess students’ knowledge
- Taking it further questions – practise application to case studies / assignment-based tasks
Perfect prep for the exam and assignments!
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What do teachers say about this resource? (12270)
The content is varied, with the use of different visual tools to aid engagement and display information in different ways. Each heading is clear and related to the different topic areas of the new specification. The content is split down using sub-headings and using different activities. The use of case studies is good and will help both students and teachers to apply the information using different examples across different sports. Lots of different questions that build on the understanding of each topic area. Both easier questions and more challenging questions have been included, with some scenario questions that link clearly to the requirements of the new specification. Good use of variety in activities and displaying information e.g. tables, spider diagrams, and flow charts where relevant. I would use this to support my teaching and then use the activities alongside tasks in lessons. It would also be useful to direct students to certain areas and give them ideas to encourage them to build upon their knowledge.
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- OCR Cambridge National Course Companions
- OCR Cambridge National Level 1/2 Sport Studies Course Companions
- OCR Cambridge Nationals (2022)
- OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Award in Sport Studies (J829)
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- Sport Studies
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