Practice Exam Papers for AQA A Level PE
Practice makes perfect progress!
Build students’ confidence with these unique exam-style practice papers for AQA A Level PE.
It is great for revision, checking learning, exam technique and preparing them for the real exam papers with a variety of topics
Four practice papers for each exam, all with…

- Variety of question styles – multiple-choice, short-answer, quantitative skills and extended-answer questions – to develop exam technique.
- Clear command words – help students to recognise the Assessment Objectives being targeted.
- Detailed mark schemes – including mark breakdown, indicative content and guidance – help students see how marks are awarded.
- Comprehensive spec coverage and accurate AO weightings,
to ensure same level of difficulty as the specimens.
I liked the breakdown of the AO marks at the start of the document...
...This is useful to help to confirm that the document fits with exam board guidelines and is fully representative
Get more exam practice with Exam Prep Pack for AQA A Level PE!
What do teachers say about this resource? (9210)
On the whole I think this resource is extremely useful. I feel that as a teacher of the paper 2 content for A level PE the resource is useful to set internal assessments which consist of questions which haven’t been seen by the students from previous exam papers. It also helps to see questions which have been written by other people as they may be worded in a slightly different way or used different examples to the ones the students are used to. I particularly liked the breakdown of the AO marks at the start of the document... This is useful to help to confirm that the document fits with exam board guidelines and is fully representative of the external assessment which the students will sit. The specification reference guide is extremely useful as it speeds up the teacher’s ability to pick out individual questions. The images used are high quality and support the questions well. The layout and presentation is excellent
Very useful tool for pupils to practice and prepare for exam questions. Mark schemes [can be used] to help check answers. It is great for revision, checking learning, exam technique and preparing them for the real exam papers with a variety of topics. I would recommend as it is a very useful tool for staff and pupils in preparation for exams.
What do teachers say about this resource? (9684)
Useful for lessons, revision and reviewing pupil’s answers... can set it for homework, mocks, [or use in] lessons. It prepares them for the official exams... works on timing and how to answer [questions].
- A Level PE
- A Level AQA Physical Education (7581/7582)
- 3.1 Factors affecting participation in physical activity and sport
- 3.1.1 Applied anatomy and physiology
- 3.1.2 Skill acquisition
- 3.1.3 Sport and society
- A Level Practice Exam Papers
- A Level PE Practice Exam Papers
- PE Practice Exam Papers
- A Level Practice Papers
- 3.2 Factors affecting optimal performance in physical activity and sport
- 3.2.1 Exercise physiology
- 3.2.2 Biomechanical movement
- 3.2.3 Sport psychology
- 3.2.4 Sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport