Practice Exams for A Level Edexcel Maths

5 original practice exams per paper for the 2017 A Level Edexcel Mathematics specification.

  • Full A Level specification coverage across the 15 papers

Carefully thought out, full of variety and at just the right level of difficulty... captures the spirit and challenge [of the new exams]

V Chothi, Mathematics Teacher & Independent Reviewer

Using ZigZag’s wealth of experience, these exams provide the perfect practice your students need for the A Level exams!

  • Level of difficulty modelled to match the specimens
  • Likely question type frequency reflected across the papers
  • Pair Exam Paper 1A with 2A for balanced specification coverage

Detailed solutions with student-friendly mark schemes!

  • Extra detail in workings ‘enables pupils… to investigate and review their own errors’(G Heppleston, Head of Maths & Independent Reviewer)
  • Multiple solution methods to match likely student responses.’ (G Maycock, Teacher & Independent Reviewer)

Mark schemes are easy to follow and apply [and] offer multiple solution methods where appropriate to match likely student responses

G Maycock, A Level Teacher & Independent Reviewer

Practice Makes Perfect!

  • Mimics the style of the new Edexcel exam with both modelling and problem-solving questions, and required AO weighting
  • Triple-checked for maximum accuracy – every line has been checked by at least three mathematicians

Vital exam practise...
this is the best possible resource out there

A Catterall, Maths Teacher & Customer
Also available for: A Level Edexcel Further Maths

What do teachers say about this resource? (9712)

Superb! Practice makes perfect - and these papers give so much practice... excellent worked solutions... always the best way for students to see what steps will get the points

M Qume, Private Tutor & Happy Customer

The style of Statistics questions, with its emphasis on interpretation, is very different from the old S1/S2/S3 syllabus. So this resource looks great! The mark schemes seem very student friendly as well as containing helpful Method and Accuracy guidance. Lots of questions asking “Explain this…” and “Give reasons why…”. It complements the official Edexcel textbooks very well, with some familiar scenarios. It also pays homage to two infamous questions from the June 2018 exams: The (9MA0) question about modelling cloud cover with a discrete uniform distribution and the (8Ma0) question involving several box plots! Great to see lots of questions incorporating the Large Data Set... The resource can be used as mock exams, tests or independent study for my students. Many students find Statistics especially challenging, so studying this resource should help boost their confidence... Having looked at the Edexcel summer 2018 exam papers, I feel that this resource captures their spirit and challenge... I would advise my Head of Faculty to purchase this resource... An excellent collection of questions, carefully thought out, full of variety and at just the right level of difficulty.

V Chothi, Maths Teacher & Peer Reviewer

They are similar to the real Edexcel questions... this just ticks so many boxes... vital exam practise... this is the best possible resource out there ... Perfect match to the specification

A Catterall, Maths Teacher & Customer

What do teachers say about this resource? (9438)

They really tested our students... I can trust the solutions are correct and checked ... written to address the new curriculum... a nice mix including ‘find the error’ and ‘modelling’

K Potter, Head of Maths & Customer

An excellent collection of questions, carefully thought out, full of variety and at just the right level of difficulty... The markschemes seem very student friendly as well as containing helpful Method and Accuracy guidance... Small Angle Approximations is a new topic, so it is useful to have a bank of such questions. The questions on Arithmetric and Geometric Series look challenging, not just number crunching, similarly for the questions on area/arc length of a sector. Also high quality questions on Differentiation from First Principles, Modelling with Quadratic and Exponential Functions... It will hopefully motivate my students to work harder! I feel that this resource captures the spirit and challenge [of the new exams].

V Chothi, Mathematics Teacher & Independent Reviewer

High quality assessment materials that cover a range of topics in different ways and at varying levels of challenge. The mark schemes are clear and offer multiple solution methods where appropriate to match likely student responses. The structure of the papers reflects the samples materials provided by Edexcel... I particularly like the inclusion of topics at varying levels of difficulty across the set of 5 papers, so students are able to gauge their level of understanding and identify the gaps that may lead them to struggle in answering more applied/problem-solving questions and take action to address this... The resource offers a clear opportunity to assess students’ progress in the Pure Mathematics content and enable both teachers and students to identify areas for improvement. It could be used as a standalone exam-style assessment or could be provided for students to work through independently or at their own pace due to the comprehensive mark schemes that are provided... There is an appropriate number of questions that make use of diagrams... mark schemes also match Edexcel’s style and are easy to follow and apply... Overall, the resource provides a good interpretation of the specification, with a good range of different types of question incorporating straightforward knowledge and skill-based questions along with problem-solving and reasoning style questions.

G Maycock, A Level Teacher & Independent Reviewer

Excellent resource due to the clarity of the mark schemes allowing students to use these after completing exams under test conditions ... I can edit the material to produce further resources and tailor it for each individual student ... I have not found anything on the market that is better ... I have used zigzag materials and have not been disappointed with the high quality of resources they provide

M Wadsworth, Head of Maths & Customer

The clear solutions would enable pupils to work well independently and to investigate and review their own errors.

G Heppleston, HoD & Peer Reviewer

I liked the variety of questions and that new syllabus topics have been added... covers all the topics and increases in difficulty per paper.

E Grigsby-Smith, Maths Teacher & Peer Reviewer

It balances the curriculum well and provides a good deal of challenge... Good value for money, especially PDF version.

S Marriott, Head of Maths & Customer

The editable option makes it flexible... Questions are relevant and clearly worded... Mark schemes are clear and accurate. Photocopying costs are minimised by efficient use of space... Students needs as much exam practice as they can get.

H Scourfield, Head of Maths & Customer

What do teachers say about this resource? (9439)

Good variation in questions involving proof and also questions about identifying "errors in student working". A fair selection of unstructured questions similar to the actual Edexcel exam.

V Chothi, Mathematics Teacher & Peer Reviewer

Excellent revision tool... It challenges students appropriately... good exam style questions... Fresh assessment material, good value for money.

S Marriott, Head of Maths & Customer