Active Revision Worksheets for A Level AQA PE
Active Revision equals Active Minds!
Maximise motivation, develop flexible thinking and prepare for the exam with these thought-provoking and challenging Active Revision Worksheets for A Level AQA PE.
14–19 flexible worksheets cover every topic and each is structured using three progressive levels, closely aligned to the Assessment Objectives…
Diagrams and photographs are relevant and eye catching
- Section A – Facilitates students to demonstrate knowledge and understanding (AO1)
- Section B – Supports students to apply understanding to sporting situations (AO2)
- Section C – Challenges students to analyse and evaluate factors in PE and Sport (AO3)
… allowing students to tailor their revision for each topic area!
Each section also begins with…
- A knowledge checklist – with three levels to track progress (Bronze, Silver and Gold) – perfect for self-assessment and ensuring students are confident going into the exam!
… and finishes with…
- Exam-style Questions – drawing students’ focus back to exam preparation
What do teachers say about this resource? (9200)
Very good. Easy to use worksheets. It is easy to find what I am looking for and mixes information filling with applying this to answer exam style questions. It particularly helps the less able, as it has lots of pictures and diagrams and each worksheet is not overloaded with information. Easy to use, all worksheets are relevant and the topics are covered succinctly Cover every topic in the specification not just some of them.
I thought it was a pretty detailed and concise opportunity for students to list/write their knowledge. The use of diagrams and photographs is relevant and eye catching. Useful prompts and ‘fill the blank’ tasks are really good. It is a good prompt for memory which enables students to be guided in their response. The value is high, if there is an accessible and clear ‘answer’ section – which there is. I particularly liked the visuals used in the biomechanics sections. The content is relevant and the supporting diagrams/flow charts have been ‘seen before’ by students which is important! It is a well laid out resource and suitable in detail.
- A Level Active Revision Worksheets
- A Level PE Active Revision Worksheets
- PE Active Revision Worksheets
- A Level PE
- A Level AQA Physical Education (7581/7582)
- 3.1 Factors affecting participation in physical activity and sport
- 3.1.1 Applied anatomy and physiology
- 3.1.2 Skill acquisition
- 3.1.3 Sport and society
- 3.2 Factors affecting optimal performance in physical activity and sport
- 3.2.1 Exercise physiology
- 3.2.2 Biomechanical movement
- 3.2.3 Sport psychology
- 3.2.4 Sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport