Exam Practice for AS & A Level Eduqas French
Original recordings followed by AS/A Level exam-style questions and answers covering all AS/A Level topics. Comprehensive, skills-focused packs written specifically for the 2016 Eduqas specification.
I like the layout, with a mix of questions which all correspond to what students are likely to face in the actual exam...
- Covers a wide range of text sources used by Eduqas – so students will be very fully familiar with exam format
- Multiple opportunities to practise each task type in different contexts continuously develop students’ exam skills
- Engaging texts on topical issues in Target Language countries – make sure students are up to date for exams
- Clear and detailed marking criteria – perfect for peer-assessment
...I also like that the transcripts are provided, since this allows for extra listening practice and allows pupils to really understand each task
- Includes: factual and informative texts, interviews, reports, dialogues and testimonials
- Recordings by native speakers
- Transcripts for all recordings provided
- Practices both non-verbal and verbal response questions, including listening summaries
What do teachers say about this resource? (9086)
I was really impressed by this resource. I thought that it was logical, it covers a wide range of topics which are highly relevant to the A Level specification, and I like the layout, with a mix of questions which all correspond to what students are likely to face in the actual exam. I also like that the transcripts are provided, since this allows for extra listening practice and allows pupils to really understand each task.
What do teachers say about this resource? (9059)
[Would you be happy to use this resource in your own teaching?] Yes, it is excellent. It follows the SAMs extremely well and the topics chosen are excellent.
Really beneficial to improving student's listening exam skills. Students are taught techniques to enable them to hone in on their listening skills.
I think this is an excellent resource as a starting point. The mark scheme is really clear and easy to follow, and the choice of topic is spot on- it fits the exam board topics really well and gives a nice broad range for practice.The whole document is very clear and shows logical progression through the different sub topics. Exam practice at A Level is always invaluable so there is always a use for something like this!