Practice Exam Papers for OCR A Level PE
Practice makes perfect progress!
Build students’ confidence with these unique exam-style practice papers for OCR A Level PE.
Clearly a lot of time has been given to the research and production of this... a great reflection of the syllabus and the question demands. Well done to all... a really good A Level PE resource
Four practice papers for each exam, all with…

- Variety of question styles – multiple-choice, short-answer, quantitative skills and extended-answer questions – to develop exam technique.
- Clear command words – help students to recognise the Assessment Objectives being targeted.
- Detailed mark schemes – including mark breakdown, indicative content and guidance – help students see how marks are awarded.
- Comprehensive spec coverage and accurate AO weightings,
to ensure same level of difficulty as the specimens.
Variety of question styles ensure students are given ample opportunity to practice a variety of questioning methods
What do teachers say about this resource? (8496)
A fantastic resource that is desperately needed by A Level teachers. Easy to use for both staff and students... can be used as revision, reference, mock exam or homeworks. Clearly a lot of time has been given to the research and production of this.... a great reflection of the syllabus and the question demands that the exam will throw at the students. Well done to all. A really good A Level PE resource.
What do teachers say about this resource? (8498)
I think this is a fantastic resource. As this is a relatively new course, it is difficult to find exam questions from past papers as their have only been 3 years worth.This certainly provides more opportunities for students to practice exam technique and how to structure 10 mark questions. Very useful.
The paper gives a variety of question styles; identify, explain, describe etc., which ensures that students are given ample opportunity to practice a variety of questioning methods, for a variety of questions.
What do teachers say about this resource? (8497)
Variety of exam questions from across the paper; this ensures that students are challenged and helps to identify possible exam questions that may come up. This resource enhances learning as the resource can be used for singular questions or as stand alone tests.
- A Level PE
- A Level OCR Physical Education (H155/H555)
- Component 1: Physiological factors affecting performance
- 1.1 Applied anatomy and physiology
- 1.2 Exercise physiology
- 1.3 Biomechanics
- A Level Practice Exam Papers
- A Level PE Practice Exam Papers
- PE Practice Exam Papers
- A Level Practice Papers
- Component 2: Psychological factors affecting performance
- 2.1 Skill acquisition
- 2.2 Sports psychology
- Component 3: Socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport
- 3.1 Sport and Society
- 3.2 Contemporary issues in physical activity and sport