Religious Studies
A Level
AQA (7061/7062)
Course Companions
Exam Preparation Packs
Keyword Activities
Learning Grids
Revision Summaries
Starters and Plenaries
Topic on a Page
Edexcel (8RS0/9RS0)
Anthology Study Guides
Course Companions
Exam Preparation Packs
Keyword Activities
Revision Summaries
Starters and Plenaries
Topic on a Page
Topic Tests
OCR (H173/H573)
Course Companions
Starters and Plenaries
Learning Grids
Keyword Activities
Revision Summaries
Exam Preparation Packs
Topic on a Page
Eduqas (A120/B120)
Course Companion
Exam Practice
Keyword Activities
Revision Summaries
AQA A (8062)
Starters and Plenaries
Course Companions
Cover Lessons
Differentiated Homeworks
Exam Preparation
Gifted and Talented Packs
Keyword Activities
Learning Grids
Practice Papers
Revision Summaries
Support Packs
Topic on a Page
Topic Tests
AQA B (8063)
Keyword Activities
Topic on a Page
AQA Short Course (8061)
Course Companions
Keyword Activities
Learning Grids
Practice Papers
Revision Summaries
Starters and Plenaries
Topic on a Page
Edexcel A (1RA0)
Course Companions
Keyword Activities
Starters and Plenaries
Topic on a Page
Edexcel A Short Course (3RA0)
Course Companions
Keyword Activities
Starters and Plenaries
Topic on a Page
Edexcel B (1RB0)
NEW! eRevision
Course Companions
Keyword Activities
Topic on a Page
Edexcel B Short Course (3RB0)
Course Companions
Keyword Activities
Topic on a Page
OCR (J625)
Course Companions
Differentiated Homeworks
Keyword Activities
Starters and Plenaries
Topic on a Page
OCR Short Course (J125)
Course Companions
Keyword Activities
Topic on a Page
Eduqas (C120P)
Course Companions
Exam Preparation
Keyword Activities
Learning Grids
Topic on a Page
Eduqas Short Course (C125P)
Course Companions
Keyword Activities
WJEC Wales (3120QS)
Keyword Activities
Religious Studies
Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural (SMSC) Development
Legacy A Level (2008)
Religious Studies
GCSE AQA (Short Course) Religious Studies Revision Summaries
Section A: The study of religions: beliefs and teachings
Boost students’ confidence with clear and concise revision notes and practice questions – matched to the new GCSE AQA A specification, covering all content perfectly.
Stimulate proactive learning by using after each section, or hand out at the end of study.
Student-friendly notes for each subtopic:
- Overviews and Key Points jog memory and pinpoint essential info.
- Keywords highlighted and clearly explained.
- Frequent sources of wisdom and authority reflect new spec focus – great for answering 5-mark questions.
- Exam-style Questions for each topic engage students with their revision.
- Student Checklists and Mark Schemes with indicative content help students gauge progress – great for targeted revision and self-marking.
AQA A resources contrast Christian views with Islamic and other relevant viewpoints.