A Level Edexcel UK Government and Politics Course Companions
Clear, comprehensive coverage of the 2017 A Level Edexcel Politics specification. Classroom notes written in student-friendly language, organised in specification order and with detailed explanations of core concepts and political theories.
Matches the Edexcel UK Politics [specification] perfectly
- Clear learning outcomes at the start of each chapter – for focused work
- All key terms defined – aids students’ understanding and helps them to build up a handy glossary
- ‘Talking points’ engage students – helps test vital AO2 and AO3 skills!
- Fully illustrated and supported by diagrams and examples – helps visual learners to access the information
Up-to-date editions for 2022! including… Brexit & Northern Ireland, evolution of party factions, ministerial responsibility and the constitution under Johnson, devolved developments, and more!
- Up-to-date examples help students to apply theories to ‘real life’, providing context and aiding understanding
Without this your knowledge is incomplete!
What do teachers say about this resource? (11849, 11850, 11851, 11852, 11853, 11854, 11855)
It has proven to be invaluable for my teaching on political ideas ... It covers all the main political parties AND the minor ones in depth, giving students stacks of specific examples which they can use in their exam answers ... I have used much of the text in it to produce some handouts on political parties and to give pupils an initial solid grounding in each one ... It not only covers the facts and stories of the parties but also places them in context and gives excellent analysis of the key debates surrounding the parties ... It is my "go-to" resource on political parties - I am a big fan of it
What do teachers say about this resource? (8453)
Another superb course companion from ZigZag... these have really developed since the previous specification – they are invaluable to my teaching... It is a different and challenging topic to grasp but with the course companion, this allows for ease of understanding along with relevant contemporary examples... Students find the layout and wording very accessible. They love using these for their revision ... the students find the resource invaluable to their learning... Perfectly matches the specification.
This resource has been updated to include recent elections which are vital for students who need to use contemporary examples in their exam answers and to be aware of the wider political context in the UK. Excellent examples of a Codified and Uncodified Constitution, and of Constitutional Reform attempts – well-chosen and well-balanced... As this is written specifically for Edexcel, the resource includes only relevant information and is very precise in what it expects students to do. It is not like some other resources which are generic to 2 exam boards and perhaps don’t provide the same level of clarity to the students. The demands of the Edexcel Specification are met, and this makes this resource so invaluable and important for all teachers of Edexcel Government and Politics.
What do teachers say about this resource? (8452)
This resource helps with the planning and execution of the course with very detailed information included on Electoral Systems and allows the Teachers delivering this unit to really understand how to progress through this unit and help their students with their progress. I particularly like: a. Excellent overviews on why each electoral system has been chosen for each country and region. b. Very good definition of the purpose of elections on page 3. c. Excellent criteria to judge electoral systems on page 3. d. The case study of the 2015 General election is very good for the purposes of the unit. e. The comparison of FPTP to STV is excellent and the students can do the other systems as a comparison to FPTP for their homework. f. The case studies on the three most important referendums in the UK’s history are good and detailed enough for students to understand their impact. The resource enhances learning due to its very close following of the Politics Spec for Edexcel. The information included should captivate students and keep them focused on the unit at hand. Students should be able to approach this unit very analytically and with an evaluative mind based on these activities. The educational value is quite simply invaluable – without this, we would struggle given that it is a difficult unit, and this will virtually help us plan this content and topic. We have a new Teacher delivering the content this year so this resource (and the resources that have been made for this series) have proved so important for us in terms of our forward planning. The presentation and layout as always is well thought out, easy to follow and student-friendly which is ultimately the most important point. As this is written specifically for Edexcel, the resource includes only relevant information and is very precise in what it expects students to do. It is not like some other resources which are generic to 2 exam boards and perhaps don’t provide the same level of clarity to the students. The demands of the Edexcel Spec are met, and this makes this resource so invaluable and important for all teachers of Edexcel Politics.
A well set out resource with sub headings to aid with revision. Great contemporary examples and good focus on discussion points... Covers all parts of the unit and looks at key terminology for each topic... It helps the students reduce work down from text books... Matches the Edexcel UK Politics [specification] perfectly.
Excellent companion to complement the activity packs, learning grids and non-ZigZag resources. Well researched, written and constructed... It seamlessly blends in with ZigZag resources allowing for ease of interchangeability with the students... The very clear and simple layout along with excellent course companion definitions helps to show students their progression rate... They are cheap and can be used over and over again, they can also be edited if that option is purchased making it future proof.
What do teachers say about this resource? (8773)
This resource helps with the planning and execution of the course with very detailed information included on The Prime Minister and Executive unit and allows the Teachers delivering this unit to really understand how to progress through this unit and help their students with their progress. I particularly like: a. It has been updated to include recent elections which is vital for students who need to use contemporary examples in their exam answers and to be aware of the wider political context in the UK. b. Very good definitions across the whole resource and at the start of each ‘chapter’. c. Very good Case Studies dotted around, in particular the Thatcher and Blair Governments. d. The Coalition Government and all their acts towards Constitutional Reform is excellent – impressive. e. Largely up to date in terms of case studies and cabinet ministers – remarkably so given the nature of Politics in the UK currently! The resource enhances learning due to its very close following of the Politics Spec for Edexcel. The information included should captivate students and keep them focused on the unit at hand. Students should be able to approach this unit very analytically and with an evaluative mind based on these activities. The educational value is quite simply invaluable – without this, we would struggle given that it is a difficult unit, and this will help us plan this content and topic. We have a new Teacher delivering the content this year so this resource (and the resources that have been made for this series) have proved so important for us in terms of our forward planning. The presentation and layout as always is well thought out, easy to follow and student-friendly which is ultimately the most important point. As this is written specifically for Edexcel, the resource includes only relevant information and is very precise in what it expects students to do. It is not like some other resources which are generic to 2 exam boards and perhaps don’t provide the same level of clarity to the students. The demands of the Edexcel Spec are met, and this makes this resource so invaluable and important for all teachers.
What do teachers say about this resource? (8451)
Very pleased... up to date and full of important detail relevant to the specification... The level of detail is excellent... [students] have lauded how useful the companion has been including the detail that isn’t in textbooks... It highlights the expectations of the exam board... everything is written specifically to match and emphasise the exam board specifications... Without this your knowledge is incomplete! It is useful to purchase this to have a fully minded set of resources which carries all information needed by the students.
The party funding section is excellent – this is a new addition to the Edexcel specification and it is well explained and detailed for teachers and students... We have a new Teacher delivering the content this year so this resource (and the resources that have been made for this series) have proved so important for us as a Department in terms of our forward planning.
What do teachers say about this resource? (8774)
This is an extremely good and detailed overview of the Relations between Institutions - given that this is a strengthened specification, this new topic is quite tricky and this document covers everything that needs to be covered and more. It is an excellent resource... I very much like all of the case studies that are dotted around the resource as this gives contemporary knowledge for the students to use in their exams and revision... The section on the EU is excellent - this is new compared to the legacy specification and this has been clearly set-out with the clear examples included which demonstrate the relationship the UK has with the EU and vice-versa.
What do teachers say about this resource? (8061)
This course companion provides teachers and their students with a coherent and contemporary guide to this topic which is vital as for many it will act as their introduction to the new course. The resource is accessible to all students but will also challenge through its “talking points” the most able students to develop the critical skills of evaluation and analysis... I particularly like the appropriate case studies used as exemplars. Additionally, the “arguments for and against” (compulsory voting) can act as a stimulus for student debate linked to potential examination questions... This resource will be beneficial to Politics teachers and students alike and provides a very comprehensive and varied resource for the democracy and participation module.
This resource helps with the planning and execution of the course with very detailed information included on Democracy and allows the Teachers delivering this unit to really understand how to progress through this unit and help their students with their progress... The educational value is quite simply invaluable – without this, we would struggle given that it is a difficult unit, and this will virtually help us plan this content and topic... It is an excellent companion to the textbook and both complement each other well.
- 8PL0
- 9PLO
- A Level Course Companions
- A Level Edexcel Politics
- AS Edexcel Politics
- Paper 2: UK Goverment and Non-Core Political Ideas
- Parliament
- Politics Course Companions
- Politics Learning Resources
- UK Politics: 2022 editions
- Prime Minister and the Executive
- UK Constitution
- Relationships Between Branches
- Democracy and Participation
- 9PL0
- A wider franchise and debates over suffrage
- Component 1: UK Politics
- Component 2: UK Government
- Course Companion
- Current systems of representative democracy and direct democracy
- Different electoral systems
- Electoral system analysis
- Emerging and minor UK political parties
- Established political parties
- First Teaching 2017
- Paper 1: UK Politics and Core Political Ideas
- Pressure groups and other influences
- Referendums and how they are used
- Rights in context
- UK political parties in context
- Paper 2: UK Government and Non-Core Political Ideas
Synopsis attribution: Image of Keir Starmer, cropped from Official portrait of Keir Starmer courtesy of Chris McAndrew, Creative Commons Licence 3.0 unported