Kinaesthetic Kitchen: Food Challenges for WJEC
Bringing learning to life!
Energise your students with these dynamic and hands-on food challenges!
15–20 stimulating ‘pick-up-and-go’ challenges – with teacher’s guidance and write-on worksheets – designed to maximise students’ investigative and research skills in preparation for the NEA and develop knowledge for the exam!
It provides easy to understand scaffolded food challenges that help prepare learners for assessment and reinforce theoretical content
Progressive challenges...
(Easy, Medium and Hard) include: battling with time pressures, recognising safety issues, modifying cooking methods, exploring preparation techniques, determining temperatures, plus many more.Are your students ready for the challenge?
What do teachers say about this resource? (8005, 8007, 8008)
I would recommend this resource to anyone who is about to embark on the food science section of the course. It provides easy to understand scaffolded food challenges that help prepare learners for assessment and reinforce theoretical content.
It is clearly laid out and easy to follow it clearly identifies the links to food science and learning outcomes at the start of every food challenge.
The teacher instructions/plan is easy to follow and save valuable planning time great for a non-specialist to get a foothold into food science and the NEA 1.
The resource benefit the students enormously by bring the specification to life and allowing practical learning and understanding to take place. Each challenge is clearly written to cater for the all abilities with the top students being pushed further with the extension questions which link the science behind the practical challenge. bringing learning to life!
Written in very accessible style, with lots of related questions to support the theoretical aspect of the course. The check sheets of method allow for students to manage their time throughout each challenge.
This resource aids with the underpinning knowledge and understanding needed to ensure that learners are fully prepared for this course with a combination theory and practical based challenges.
this resource provides the ideal structure to lead onto further food science lessons and investigations.
Fantastic resource! All aspects to a practical lesson are included and done so in a clear manner. Supports all higher skilled areas and also supports NEA 1 and 2 practical tasks, as well as learning all key areas linked to each practical to move all students on in terms of scientific knowledge for exams.
I liked this resource as it covered a range of really creative desserts and there was lots of content that made sections of the syllabus more interesting. Food science can often be quite dull, yet this had creative ways to get this into students' long-term memory. I liked the fact that it could be applied to any of the exam boards and that the practicals, intro work and evaluation work have links to NEA 1 which is the harder of the 2 NEAs to cover. This would make it way more interesting. These are high-skill dishes that will boost confidence for the 3-hour practical exam. Easy to follow with good, printable resources for students. Anything to stop teachers from having to design their own sheets! For any hosp and cat course, you could use the desserts where the focus is planning or sensory analysis. For AQA FPN it covers a good range of the requirements, from Food science all the way through to work for NEA 1 and 2. Some of the sections such as the what went wrong questions are useful as these pop up in exams all the time. It would get students to think more about what they have made and why things happened.
What do teachers say about this resource? (7983, 7985, 7986)
I really liked this resource. I think teachers will find this useful. We have a lot of non-specialists teaching the subject and this would be an invaluable resource as, although some can cover the practical sections, they struggle to understand the working properties and science behind the substitution of ingredients. I like the fact that it gives you explicit changes that you can make to each dish. This would also support some of the AQA NEA1 food science work as students struggle with this side of the course. It not only covers special diets but also helps students to identify specific ingredients that can be used to make a successful dish for that target group. Whoever has written this has clearly done a lot of research into substitute ingredients. This will make it easy to challenge more able but give clear instructions to our weaker students. It covers the special dietary requirements section as well as adapting recipes. it also reinforces food science, for example, when looking at the role of eggs and why removing eggs from a recipe affects the organoleptic qualities of the finished product.
- GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition
- GCSE WJEC Food and Nutrition (3560)
- Unit 1 Principles of Food and Nutrition
- Cooking and Food Preparation
- Unit 2 Food and Nutrition in Action
- Non-exam Assessment (NEA)
- The Food Investigation Assessment
- The Food Preparation Assessment
- Food Commodities
- GCSE Food Challenges
- GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition Food Challenges
- GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition Practical
- GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition Theory