Topic on a Page for AQA A Level PE
Clear, concise and to the point!
Visually engaging A3 posters with concise, easy-to-learn summaries of every specification topic. Help students see the bigger picture on an entire topic.
Included for each of the 14-20 topics:
- Summary Poster giving at-a-glance overview
- Partially complete Activity Poster to test knowledge
in both photocopiable A3 and A4 formats
- Diagrams and images illuminate key concepts
- Plenty of practical examples to enhance understanding of key principles
The quality and detail of the information per page is very good...
...This will definitely help students with the revision process, breaking down the information into bite-sized chunks
- Perfect for end-of-topic consolidation
- Use as place mats or as a classroom display
- Great knowledge organisers; perfect revision overviews before exams
- Partially complete Activity Posters make an excellent homework
This resource sums up the topic areas well in a concise manner, which will help students as a recap or use as a revision tool
What do teachers say about this resource? (7574)
Excellent resource for revision purposes and key assessments, class tasks, etc. It is well set out. It has teacher and pupil resources that are easy to use to consolidate knowledge. Revision of each topic is concise, homework can be set easily. Clear, concise, to the point, matches specification very well.
The resource is very good, especially for lower ability students who need to see all the information from the topic together in order to create links and build understanding. I have spoken to many colleagues at other schools and highlighted the fact you are buying a resource that is consistently being updated and improved.
Very good and has been much improved compared to previous years. The quality and detail of the information per page is very good. Each page clearly breaks down the required information into manageable sections. This will definitely help students with the revision process, breaking down the information into bite-sized chunks and can be used alongside teaching of topics. The colour [Pdf & Word versions], pictures and diagrams are very engaging and link well to the information. I also like how well the information is displayed, using different formats – again another useful tool to engage students.
Helpful, condense learning nicely. Clear and easy to use; covers most areas very well. Encourages independent learning prior or after lessons.
Useful summary of each topic - students will use at end of topics and for revision. Useful to have a version for pupils to complete too.
What do teachers say about this resource? (7925)
An excellent tool to give to the students for revision. I would personally use this to synthesis the information at the end of a topic. Therefore as a topic is taught I would then give the students the summary sheet to revise from. I liked the fact that the sections are clear and have images and diagrams to back up the written explanations. I can tell that lots of time and effort has gone into the creation of this resource.
This resource clearly sums up the topic areas well in a concise manner, which will help students as a recap or [use as a] revision tool. Students can use this resource in a manner of ways which I think is a key benefit to having this resource. The information presented on each page is detailed and meets the exam specification well. The use of variety in the presentation of information is also good as it will help to engage the user but also serve well as a memory tool.
Very good, enabled students to create links between knowledge from the same topic by seeing it all on one page. Very good introduction to topics as the new specification has increased in content and rigour. [What might you say to a colleague in a neighbouring school to persuade them to use this resource?] The ease of the resources in terms of how they all link (topics on a page, topic tests and course companion). This all enables for easier planning and delivery.
Easy to use. Good for end of topic or start of topic to get students to independently prepare for a topic. We use them as assessment preparation.
Useful... great for use as a teaching resource
- A Level PE
- A Level AQA Physical Education (7581/7582)
- 3.1 Factors affecting participation in physical activity and sport
- 3.1.1 Applied anatomy and physiology
- 3.1.2 Skill acquisition
- 3.1.3 Sport and society
- 3.2 Factors affecting optimal performance in physical activity and sport
- 3.2.1 Exercise physiology
- 3.2.2 Biomechanical movement
- 3.2.3 Sport psychology
- 3.2.4 Sport and society and the role of technology in physical activity and sport
- A Level Topic on a Page
- A Level PE Topic on a Page
- Topic on a Page for PE
- knowledge organisers