Topic Tests for GCSE AQA Science
Available for Biology, Physics and Chemistry (full course – including Trilogy)

Track your students’ progress through the 2016 9-1 AQA GCSE specifications with these excellent topic-by-topic assessments. Clear progression from short, factual questions to probing ‘explain’ and ‘analyse’ questions lets you pinpoint areas of weakness quickly.
This resource is absolutely brilliant and has been a great help to my students and it is an essential resource for everyone studying GCSE Chemistry
- Build student confidence with extended response and investigation question practice
- Comprehensive coverage lets you identify gaps in understanding throughout the course
- User-friendly mark schemes and clear Higher Tier sections make assessment easy
- Maths skills tested throughout
Perfectly matches the specification, each topic and specification area is clearly identified and laid out
What do teachers say about this resource? (7200)
An excellent resource for GCSE (9-1) AQA chemistry. A wonderful range of questions which have been laid out clearly and organised well. The questions are great for assessing students after teaching each topic.
I would say that this resource is absolutely brilliant and has been a great help to my students and it is an essential resource for everyone studying GCSE chemistry.
ZigZag Education offers excellent educational resources that students really benefit from and love using.
Perfectly matches the specification, each topic and specification area is clearly identified and laid out.
The mix of question types and styles closely match what AQA is doing with its examination papers, I particularly liked the number of 6 mark questions which is an area and skill that students need to practice.
Excellent for reviewing what has been learnt
Provides pupils with an opportunity to become familiar with exam style questions.
This resource allows pupils more exposure to exam style questions and gets them used to the style of the questions. The vocabulary and the phrasing of the questions matches that of AQA and allows students to challenge their understanding.
What do teachers say about this resource? (7079)
An excellent resource for GCSE Physics. A good range of questions and well organised with clear layout. The questions are excellent for assessing students after teaching each topic.
It helps to build student confidence with extended response and investigation questions, which are at a good standard and interesting.
An excellent resource for the new specification for the GCSE AQA Physics Topics 5-8 or for any specification which has similar topics. Liked the arrangement of the questions and the different types of questions included such as numerical, and picture type questions. A very useful resource for AQA GCSE Physics.
Broken into subtopics – this helps with planning into a teaching sequence. Layout is simple. Clear identification of higher tier content is given.
What do teachers say about this resource? (7806)
The vocabulary and the phrasing of the questions matches that of AQA and allows students to challenge their understanding. I would purchase this resource as it provides pupils with an opportunity to become familiar with exam style questions and improve their overall application.
The presentation of the resource makes it very easy to navigate.
I particularly like how the tests make specific links to the specification and match the requirements of the specification well. Accompanied by the way that the style of questions matches that of the exam, such as short, medium, long and calculation questions. It is useful that it provides the answers also and that these can be used within lessons for self marking also.
I feel that this resource can enhance learning specifically by allowing me (the teacher) to assess their understanding as a form of summative assessment. It also allows the students to gain an understanding of the gaps in their knowledge, as well as familiarising them with the types and styles of questions that would appear in their final examinations. Accompanied by the use of a mark scheme that marks in a very similar way to the exam board, this can significantly aid in developing their exam technique.
I like the fact that it covers all types of questions students may face in their exams, preparing them with literacy and numeracy practice as well.
I like the fact that the answers for the questions that ask for mathematical calculations are complete, showing the work to arrive to the result. Most students lose marks in this sort of question.
What do teachers say about this resource? (7154)
Overall the resource is good. It covers all the topics and matches the specification. The resources are differentiated; all students will be able to access some of the questions. HT is mentioned for any tasks that are specific for higher tier students.
There are a variety of questions that test students' knowledge and understanding of students. Some questions match exam style questions which is good practice to get students ready for GCSE exams.
The tests covers the all the concepts needed to revise for topics 1-4. Most of the questions are familiar questions as would be expected in end of topic tests.
The order of knowledge in tests matches the scheme of work for AQA biology. The instructions are simple and clear, the diagrams are neat and well labeled.
Within each unit as well there is a flow in topics, each test can be used to assess a part of the unit and can be used to identify misconceptions and identify gaps in knowledge.
It is a nice resource and the author has been thorough in their work.
On the whole, I found the resource extremely useful. It will be a time saver as a teacher and it provides opportunity for revision and reflection at the end of the topic. It will be beneficial for students to have a structure for each topic and these tests can be used in class, as homework or for revision activities.
I particularly liked the exam style layout of the topic tests as this will provide students with experience for their examination. I also liked the fact the topics follow the specification and is easily followed by teacher and students. It is useful that there are a range of different style questions such as 1 marks and 6 marks.
It will give [students] the chance to review areas of strength and areas of weakness in their knowledge as we go through the course.
Highly useful for both teacher and students alike.
I like the fact that the level of difficulty addresses the capabilities of all students
I like the fact that all resources such as the use of graphs, diagrams, tables, pictures etc that would make assessment more holistic were employed.
it would serve to prepare them thoroughly for their final exams.
A good resource that provides vital assessment points for the new GCSE course. The assessments highlight the increased focus on application of maths skills.
What do teachers say about this resource? (7078)
It is appropriately pitched for students at GCSE level and there are questions for students of all abilities to answer.
What do teachers say about this resource? (7815)
Suitable for students of all abilities.
Allows quick identification of how well the topic has been taught.
An essential tool for anyone teaching this specification. It enhances learning by allowing teachers to identify areas for developed than can be re-addressed.
- GCSE Biology
- GCSE AQA Biology (8461)
- GCSE AQA Biology Paper 1
- 4.1 Cell biology
- 4.2 Organisation
- 4.3 Infection and response
- 4.4 Bioenergetics
- GCSE Topic Tests
- GCSE Biology Topic Tests
- GCSE Science Topic Tests
- Science Topic Tests
- 4.5 Homeostasis and response
- 4.6 Inheritance, variation and evolution
- 4.7 Ecology
- GCSE AQA Biology Paper 2
- GCSE Chemistry
- GCSE AQA Chemistry (8462)
- GCSE AQA Chemistry Paper 1
- 4.1 Atomic structure and the periodic table
- 4.2 Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter
- 4.3 Quantitative chemistry
- 4.4 Chemical changes
- 4.5 Energy changes
- GCSE Chemistry Topic Tests
- GCSE AQA Chemistry Paper 2
- 4.6 The rate and extent of chemical change
- 4.7 Organic chemistry
- 4.8 Chemical analysis
- 4.9 Chemistry of the atmosphere
- 4.10 Using resources
- GCSE Physics
- GCSE AQA Physics (8463)
- GCSE AQA Physics Paper 1
- 4.1 Energy
- 4.2 Electricity
- 4.3 Particle model of matter
- 4.4 Atomic structure
- GCSE Physics Topic Tests
- GCSE AQA Physics Paper 2
- 4.5 Forces
- 4.6 Waves
- 4.7 Magnetism and electromagnetism
- 4.8 Space physics