Exam Practice for AS/A Level Year 1 Edexcel French
Fantastic for exam practice and ticked all the boxes as far as level, exam technique, vocabulary and content are concerned. This is perfect for practice before the exam or as an end of topic assessment. H Martin, MFL Teacher & Independent Reviewer
Original texts or recordings followed by AS exam-style questions and answers covering all AS/A Level Year 1 topics. Comprehensive, skills-focused packs written specifically for the 2016 Edexcel specification.
- Covers a wide range of text sources used by Edexcel – so students will be very fully familiar with exam format
- Multiple opportunities to practise each task type in different contexts continuously develop students’ exam skills
- Engaging texts on topical issues in Target Language countries – make sure students are up to date for exams
- Clear and detailed marking criteria – perfect for peer-assessment