Course Companion for OCR A Level PE
Keep students on the right track in OCR A-Level PE with these clear and comprehensive course notes. Written in a student-friendly language and organised in specification order, including:
Course Companion for AS and A Level PE is endorsed for the 2016 A Level OCR Physical Education Specification H155

- A topic overview page, with clear learning outcomes and key terms
- Accessible notes at an appropriate level and in sufficient depth
- End-of-topic consolidation questions to review the topic and assess their learning
- Thought-provoking visual images and diagrams to stimulate all learners
Really easy to follow...
...A useful guide for teachers to shape learning around... also perfect for students
ZigZag Educations Technical Learning Grids for OCR AS and A Level PE
What do teachers say about this resource? (6596, 6597)
It is a useful guide for teachers to shape learning around the specification but is also perfect for students. I like that it is broken down into the chapters in the specification, making it really easy to follow. Questions and mark schemes at the end of the sections are extremely useful as they give students an insight into the type of questions they will be required to answer as well as the expected use of terminology. It also helps them apply the information instead of just recalling.
Good quality work, I think that the terminology is pitched at the correct level for learners to access. Good level of depth for the topics. The resource follows the specification very well.
The content clearly links to the specification and provides information at an appropriate level and in sufficient depth.
- 1.1 Applied anatomy and physiology
- 1.2 Exercise physiology
- 1.3 Biomechanics
- 2.1 Skill acquisition
- 2.2 Sports psychology
- 3.1 Sport and Society
- 3.2 Contemporary issues in physical activity and sport
- A Level Course Companions
- A Level OCR Physical Education (H155/H555)
- A Level PE
- A Level PE Course Companion
- Component 1: Physiological factors affecting performance
- Component 2: Psychological factors affecting performance
- Component 3: Socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport
- PE Course Companions