BTEC First Award in Applied Science (2012) Teaching Packs

Units 1 & 2 are Endorsed by Edexcel for use with the new BTEC in Applied Science Level 2 specification (2012).
Comprehensive notes in student-friendly language structured in specification order. Regular, varied activities engage students with different learning styles to consolidate learning. Recap questions ensure students retain key information.
A very high quality resource that would be a valuable asset to a science department delivering BTEC Applied Science
- Hands-on learning with built-in practicals and teacher demonstrations
- Lesson plans, scheme of work and answers – for straightforward delivery
- Students build up assignment work throughout the unit, covering all the Pass, Merit and Distinction criteria as they learn
- Units 1 & 8: Recap questions build up to exam-style questions
- Units 2-7: Seamlessly assess your students with built-in assignments
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Click here for Teaching Packs and Activity Packs
What do teachers have to say about this resource? (5059) |
"An excellent resource... lessons were explicit with good notes and suggested questions" – S Littler, BTEC Teacher and Independent Reviewer |
"This resource could be used in numerous ways to enhance learning. The lesson notes support individual learning which could be during the main teaching time or during revision. They are sufficiently detailed to support learners aiming for distinctions but also provide accessible information for pass level learners. The questions provide plenty of chance for assessment of learning and could easily be used for self or peer assessment. They could also be combined to develop formal assessment tools. The material provides a clear route through the unit.The lesson objectives are clearly linked to the specification and the content of the lesson matches this. The notes pages are also well matched to the specification and often go into a good level of detail to ensure that learners can reach the highest requirements of the specification.I really liked the idea of the lesson plans with clear objectives and starter/plenary ideas. I also really liked the notes in support of each lesson really useful and very well put together and written.The resource also does several jobs in one so is excellent value for money"A Hemming, Science Teacher & Independent Reviewer |
"This is an excellent resource for busy teachers as many features are time saving and at the same time help a student to understand the basic concepts of applied science... The scheme of work template is effective and the exam style questions are excellent" F Savery, BTEC Applied Science Teacher & Independent Reviewer |
What do teachers say about this resource? (4715)
The fact that there are so many ideas and opportunities as to how to achieve the skills makes this resource a useful tool in delivering the new suite of BTECs... The assignment brief is well structured, the graphics are clear and eye catching, and the resource is worded in student friendly language. Having taught part of this topic now, BTEC students have struggled to understand the terminology and I think that this resource is very clear and easy to follow... I really like the way that each lesson is differentiated and these include differentiation in knowledge and tasks too. It is easy to see where each task relates to a particular skill that must be achieved and the increasing difficulty of the differentiation will make it easier for students to progress to merit and distinction skills.
Really helpful for planning lessons.
I am more confident at delivering the lessons with the help of this pack.
Very user friendly and easy to follow - good progression of work leading to relevant assignments which is useful. The assignments match up exactly with the BTEC spreadsheet produced by Edexel which make it straightforward to record assignments. Matches Edexel beautifully. The packs save valuable time which can be used in other ways to develop the course instead of writing assignments and preparing resources.
This is an excellent resource.
This is a fully inclusive resource, well worth buying.
I like that the pack is fully inclusive of a manageable scheme of work, lesson plans and assignment briefs. Nothing to write, its ready to use.
The pack contains nice comprehensive student notes with highlighted reminder, distinction and summary sections. Excellent content has stretch and challenge elements, appropriate for level 2 and a reminder for level 3 students. I like the very clear dot and cross diagrams. Equations and calculations are clearly explained in the student notes and each section has an engaging point of interest box.
There was a good variety of resources for teaching this specification which would enable the teacher to facilitate their students to get the most out of the course.
The plenary sessions on the whole are excellent and clearly linked to the lesson objectives... Lessons are detailed and laid out well and topics build up to enhance the students understanding"
The everyday language, modern lifestyle references and occasional humour give the work a nice accessible feel.
The work stayed very close to the prescribed learning aims so the coverage was excellent.
Very thorough and well thought out... Covers all the details needed for the course.
The text is detailed and the questions are probing and enhanced by having the answers.
What do teachers say about this resource? (4719)
An excellent piece of work... Introduces each concept in very readable well-constructed text, enhanced by appropriate quality diagrams and photos. It makes the sometimes difficult concepts as accessible as possible. The lesson plans are very clear and the wealth of questions are a particular strength.
Great sequence of lessons covering all criteria and includes assignments which are relevant/interesting.
What do teachers say about this resource? (4718)
The resource was a brilliant help at a time when there was little to use. As with all resources they have to be tweaked for individual groups and pupils. For pupils that were very low level 2 I changed some of the wording to make it more accessible but for the middle to more-abled students it was a very good extra resource.
The notes were not too much for the pupils to cope with. It was an excellent match to the specification and previous test papers.
A great ready to use resource... Each learning aim from the specification is fully addressed; the lessons are very well thought out and there are a range of activities which aim to fully engage students. The more challenging topics are simplified effectively to aid student understanding. The tasks and activities also stretch and challenge the more able students
Very good... clearly structured and will guide the teacher and learner in completing the unit...
What do teachers say about this resource? (4717)
An excellent resource with lots of guidance. One could just print it out and start teaching with it... I liked the good use of case studies and the illustration of what's needed for distinction level. The assignment briefs were good and there was a nice use of practicals to support learning... Matches the spec well.
I like the resource, in my opinion, it is better than some other published packages... Nice scheme of work which included the guided learning hours. So, instantly aware of the time scale needed for the unit... Clearly written and concise...
I would certainly use this resource in my teaching... It makes the content much more accessible for teachers and students alike. Activities are interesting and I especially like the extension boxes giving advice on how to obtain the distinction... The assignments are very well written with an interesting context... I like the flexibility offered in this resource... I would not hesitate to use the resources in a classroom.
Overall I thought this was a comprehensive resource which would form an excellent basis for a scheme of work for the unit. It would enable a teacher who is either non specialist or inexperienced to teach the unit. The scheme is easy to follow and the resource is clear.
The layout of the assignments is excellent as it fits in with the requirements of BTEC.
What do teachers say about this resource? (4721)
This is an excellent resource that can be applied to sciences outside of BTEC (other KS3 and KS4 sciences /GCSEs). The specification is broken down into appropriate lessons which meet the BTEC criteria for this unit. The tasks are varied allowing for a range of assessments. I really like the range of questions available to the learners as they allow the weaker student to gain confidence in the topic prior to the exam style questions. The specification for this unit is nicely divided up into numbered lessons with content. Really nice comprehensive lesson plans; they are concise and on one sheet with objectives. Well thought-out lessons, the content covers scientific skills from all three scientific backgrounds. There are useful formative plenaries and summative exam style questions.
A very high quality resource that would be a valuable asset to a science department delivering BTEC Applied Science... All the key definitions and concepts are covered along with plenty of practice... The approach is flexible enough to address different styles of delivery... of all the resources I have reviewed for Zigzag, this one would save teachers the most time as the graphs and exercises are extremely hard to find in books and would take hours to invent from scratch... I would not hesitate to use the resources in a classroom.
This pack covers all the key content needed with exam questions and 'did you know' sections which provides a good range of activities for students.
I specifically like the use of 'I changed' for the explanation of independent variables.
What do teachers say about this resource? (4720)
This is a comprehensive pack that has been put together very well, overall an excellent resource. It ensures that the students are well prepared and have a good understanding of topics so that they can tackle the assignment briefs effectively... Really nice comprehensive lesson plans, they are concise on one sheet with objectives. It is always helpful to have a scheme of work that includes the guided hours which can then be modified to the departments needs. All criteria are covered from the new specification. There are well written assignment briefs, interesting starters, well thought-out lessons, useful formative plenaries, linked homework tasks, nice tips and D box for distinction grade students. I like the further your learning sections which are great for challenging the more able student.
Pitched at the right level... The language is easy to understand and the scientific content is accurate and well written... Contains detailed reference material which could help the students to complete the assignments.
What do teachers say about this resource? (4716)
Sound, appropriate, and comprehensive... Very accurate... It would appeal to teachers and pupils alike
A detailed document with plenty of support for teachers. Definitely matches the specification in lots of detail. I like the fact there is an assignment alongside it, which allows contextualisation of briefs. It gives teachers the information that they need to cover alongside the specification; this can be extremely beneficial to any staff who are new to the qualification.
- Applied Science (2012)
- BTEC First Level 2 Applied Science Teaching Pack
- BTEC Firsts
- BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award in Application of Science (600/4796/3)
- BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Diploma in Applied Science (601/4531/6)
- BTEC Teaching Pack
- Pearson BTEC
- Unit 1 Principles of Science
- Unit 2 Chemistry and Our Earth
- Unit 3 Energy and Our Universe
- Unit 4 Biology and Our Environment BTEC Teaching Pack
- Unit 5 Applications of Chemical Substances
- Unit 6 Applications of Physical Science
- Unit 7 Health Applications of Life Science BTEC Teaching Pack
- Unit 8 Scientific Skills