Complete Graphics Schemes of Work for Year 7 and 8

2008 Criteria for Year 7 and Year 8

12-lesson module for each of years 7 and 8. Detailed lesson plans include teacher notes on context, learning aims, SEN provision, differentiation and cross-curricular links to ensure confidence in providing a well-rounded scheme for all abilities.

A simple, easy to follow resource

J Dover, HoD & Peer Reviewer
  • Lesson plans fully resourced with attractive worksheets
  • Includes supporting PowerPoints for each lesson
  • Comprehensive coverage of the 2008 National Curriculum, cross-referenced to each lesson

What do teachers say about this resource? (3084)

A simple, easy to follow resource. I think I would find it easy to ‘dip in’ and select various tasks for more specific parts of the course.

J Dover, HoD & Peer Reviewer