GCSE (9-1) AQA Practice Papers for Media One and Media Two
For exams from 2025 and 2026
Give your students the support they need to prepare for the GCSE AQA Media Studies exams. Five original practice papers intelligently mirror the AQA sample assessment material. Realistic papers ensure students are familiar with the new format, ready to answer each question type and gain complete practice across the specification.
Complete coverage!
- Every close study product covered!
- Carefully chosen unseen products for Media One boost student confidence
- Comprehensive coverage of the theoretical framework – specification cross-reference grid helps you monitor progress and target weak spots
- Full range of question types including multiple-choice, textual analysis, knowledge and understanding, extended response, framework and judgements, and synoptic questions
- Student-friendly mark schemes and indicative content – ideal for quick marking or self-assessment
What do teachers say about this resource? (12646)
A comprehensive selection of examination questions that cover the requirements of the AQA Media Paper Two requirements. The papers test the full breadth of the specification and allow students to practise appropriate questions in varying length and style. The unseen questions are fantastic. The resource covers different media products across different media platforms. The mark schemes are detailed and thorough. The author has clearly researched the format of the exam and applied the structure to the resource. The resource provides an opportunity for the students to practise the application of their theoretical understanding. There is a good range of sample questions that covers the breadth of the specification and close study products. The format closely mimics the layout of the AQA exam papers. Mark schemes are clear.
The resource is effective and accurately replicates the exam format and details associated with understanding the exams, suited to the exam board. The mark schemes are clear and thoroughly detailed with the indicative content. The questions provided in the papers are varied allowing for a range of practice with the question types alongside different elements of the key concepts that must be studied for each CSP. I feel the resource will enhance learning as it would work as a revision tool that could be issued to students to be able to attempt specific papers or for them to review the mark scheme and indicative content. It would also enhance learning as a teaching resource for teachers to use to guide students through answering exam style questions.