Dictation Skills Packs for GCSE AQA
2024 specifications: French, Spanish & German
Equip students to excel in the new Dictation question in Section B of the Listening exam.
Comprehensive toolkits with a variety of activities and exam-style questions based on the AQA 2024 specification requirements give students the skills and knowledge of sounds, spelling and grammar to confidently transcribe sentences.
Each pack includes over 100 activity and exam-style audio tracks!
A very comprehensive and effective resource to help teachers prepare their pupils for the new AQA GCSE.
Each AQA topic unit is structured into 6 sections:
- Prescribed vocabulary
- Vocabulary starters
- Skill-building activities
- Exam-style questions ➟ Recordings match exam structure, pace and style!
- Peer- and self- assessment
- End of topic group activity
Personalised, targeted, relevant!
- Differentiated for Foundation and Higher tier – choose the worksheet that best matches each student’s level
- Meticulously aligned to the new AQA 2024 specification topics – seamlessly integrate into your scheme of work for a contextualised learning experience
- Structured around vocabulary from the AQA prescribed list – give them knowledge they will be tested on in the exams
All recordings, transcripts and answers are provided.
Use in class, as homework or revision!
🎧 Click here to listen to a short sample recording 🎧
Don't teach AQA? Dictation resources for Edexcel coming soon!
What do teachers say about this resource? (12540)
This substantial resource pack is very welcome, especially as it is really well designed and structured. I am particularly impressed with the pair work and team activities which which add variety to the development of dictation skills, which could all too easy become very teacher-centred and monotonous. This Dictation Skills Pack appears to be specifically designed for the new GCSE AQA German exam, it is well-structured and differentiated, pedagogically sound and does fully live up to its aim of enabling students to build up their knowledge and skills to tackle the new dictation exam questions which appear in Section B of the Listening exam paper.
What do teachers say about this resource? (12452)
This pack is a very complete, methodical and comprehensive collection of activities to help with dictation practice starting from lexical level. I specifically like the progression from working with words to whole sentences in the exercises in every unit, always ending with an exam style question, and the great variety of fun exercises, including some Spanish oral games like “veo veo” (I spy) or “Cadena de palabras” in the “peer and self- assessment” and “end of topic team activities”.
I like many of the activities, and there is a wide range of low stakes, low prep ideas and games. There is a good balance. Whilst most tasks can be done independently, great care has been taken to enable student interaction , collaboration and even competition. A very enjoyable range of tasks are offered. It covers well the vocabulary and key concepts for each topic, supports some grammatical revision (use of articles, perfect tense revision in the ‘find someone who has’ task) and allows students to practise new exam skills mainly (listening, transcribing).
What do teachers say about this resource? (12378)
I thought that it was a welcome resource for the classroom teacher to use with students in order to give them more practice for the Section B of the listening paper of the examination. It mirrors very well the questions set in the examination by AQA for the new GCSE French. It gives the teacher extra resources which are all the more welcome as they very closelymatch the format of the exam. Students can never get too much exam practice. It saves the teacher a great deal of time.The resources are clear, from easy to more difficult within the unit, so that by the time the students move on to the next topic, they are fully conversant with the vocabulary they need to know and the type of exam question they will have to answer. As practice makes perfect, and classroom teachers are always hunting for more exercises and translations and mock exams in the run up to the examination, I am sure this will enhance the students' revision of the varied topics and language skills tested, in this case listening and dictation.
I think this resource is a very comprehensive and effective resource to help teachers prepare their pupils for the new AQA GCSE. It not only covers the skills needed for the new dictation task, but would also help pupils to practise and test their understanding of GCSE vocabulary on a range of topics. It is well structured and appropriately challenging, suitable for pupils of all abilities. The aspect that I was particularly impressed with was the well thought out and scaffolded tasks, to enable pupils to move from word level to full sentences. I thought that the lists of prescribed vocabulary were very clear and helpful as a reference at the start of each section.
This is a set of imaginative materials which will help to improve pupils’ close listening skills. It will be particularly useful for the dictation but will improve other skill areas as well. I love the variety of activities with the focus on the prescribed vocabulary. I am very pleasantly surprised by the range of activities included here – it’s not just dictation! It’s good to see vocab from the prescribed vocab lists being used. I like the starter activities which encourage success and therefore give the confidence to keep going. I also like the scaling up of difficulty when starting the actual listening, going from identifying single words, to filling in gaps, to full sentences as required by the exam. I like the spot the difference task to encourage close listening and the extension task to correct the errors. The peer / self-assessment tasks and the team activities are imaginative and encourage collaboration – something which some pupils seem to be struggling with at the moment. Useful to have the 2 levels, foundation and higher and the transcripts and answers.
The vocabulary is well-chosen and the activities suitable, varied and fun.
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