Structured Cover Lessons for GCSE Science
Be prepared for staff absence with these 'pick up and go' lessons – specifically designed for cover by non-specialists. An invaluable collection of stand-alone lessons covering the GCSE (9-1) Biology, Chemistry and Physics courses allows you to set meaningful cover even with no time to prepare.
20+ fully resourced, versatile structured cover lessons for each Science course. Distributed across the whole 9–1 spec for each course so you’re ready for unplanned cover at any time!
The activities are engaging and learner focused so would need no subject specialist knowledge from the teacher
All materials included…
- Starters and plenaries
- Main lesson tasks
- Resource lists
- Spec cross reference
- Lesson objectives
… for effortless delivery
Structured lessons that supply teachers can pick up easily
- Full plan for every lesson, with resource lists, spec cross-reference & objectives. Ready to use at a moment’s notice!
- Diverse array of activities give opportunities to practise data analysis, practical evaluation and ‘how science works’ style skills, as well as consolidating understanding of core content.
- Distributed across the whole course: always have relevant cover.
Learning outcomes were clear
Just what a cover teacher needs:
- Answers included for self-marking
- Built-in extension tasks to keep even your fastest finishers on task for the whole lesson
- Textbook references for every lesson
Buy all three packs with a group discount!
What do teachers say about this resource? (8087, 8088, 8089, 8090, 8175)
I would certainly recommend this resource, I am hugely impressed with the content...This resource is clearly and concisely written at a level that is easily accessible for the learner...
The activities are engaging and learner focused so would need no subject specialist knowledge from the teacher... There is a large number of data handling resources which reflects the types of problems often set as exam questions. These types of activity allow a non-subject specialist to cover the theory associated with practical material, without the need to set up a practical, lab-based teaching session. ... ... ...
The lesson plans can be easily followed by members of staff unfamiliar with science... An excellent, high quality resource.
Marking takes place within the lesson making it a useful exercise for the student and reducing workload for the teacher.
I thought tricky topics like Stem cells and evolution were tackled in an interesting manner with thought provoking questions.
It matches specification perfectly
What do teachers say about this resource? (12022, 12023, 12024)
Resource is very useful and I would use most of the resources as cover, or would be happy to set as cover if a member of my department was absent. It requires little teacher input for the activities so cover lessons with non-specialists are fine.
Several of the tasks are excellent, particularly the activities for acid and alkali and organic chemistry.
What do teachers say about this resource? (11197, 11207, 11208)
The learning outcomes were clear and had a good range of cognitively challenging statements e.g. from ‘define’ to ‘apply’.
The notes were good for schools which did not have access to texts and for those students who had not/could not make sufficient notes for themselves for whatever reason.
It matches the AQA specification well as it provides the syllabus references for easy matching.
- 4.1 Atomic structure and the periodic table
- 4.1 Cell biology
- 4.1 Energy
- 4.10 Using resources
- 4.2 Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter
- 4.2 Electricity
- 4.2 Organisation
- 4.3 Infection and response
- 4.3 Particle model of matter
- 4.3 Quantitative chemistry
- 4.4 Atomic structure
- 4.4 Bioenergetics
- 4.4 Chemical changes
- 4.5 Energy changes
- 4.5 Forces
- 4.5 Homeostasis and response
- 4.6 Inheritance, variation and evolution
- 4.6 The rate and extent of chemical change
- 4.6 Waves
- 4.7 Ecology
- 4.7 Magnetism and electromagnetism
- 4.7 Organic chemistry
- 4.8 Chemical analysis
- 4.8 Space physics
- 4.9 Chemistry of the atmosphere
- GCSE AQA Biology (8461)
- GCSE AQA Biology Paper 1
- GCSE AQA Biology Paper 2
- GCSE AQA Chemistry (8462)
- GCSE AQA Chemistry Paper 1
- GCSE AQA Chemistry Paper 2
- GCSE AQA Physics (8463)
- GCSE AQA Physics Paper 1
- GCSE AQA Physics Paper 2
- GCSE Biology
- GCSE Biology Cover Lessons
- GCSE Chemistry
- GCSE Chemistry Cover Lessons
- GCSE Cover Lessons
- GCSE Physics
- GCSE Physics Cover Lessons
- GCSE Science Cover Lessons
- Animal coordination, control and homeostasis
- Astronomy
- Cells and control
- Chemical changes
- Conservation of energy
- Ecosystems and material cycles
- Electricity and circuits
- Electromagnetic induction
- Energy – forces doing work
- Exchange and transport in animals
- Extracting metals and equilibria
- Forces and matter
- Forces and their effects
- Fuels and Earth science
- GCSE Edexcel Biology (1BI0)
- GCSE Edexcel Biology Paper 1
- GCSE Edexcel Biology Paper 2
- GCSE Edexcel Chemistry (1CH0)
- GCSE Edexcel Chemistry Paper 1
- GCSE Edexcel Chemistry Paper 2
- GCSE Edexcel Physics (1PH0)
- GCSE Edexcel Physics Paper 1
- GCSE Edexcel Physics Paper 2
- Genetics
- Groups in the periodic table
- Health, disease and the development of medicines
- Key concepts in biology
- Key concepts in chemistry
- Key concepts of physics
- Light and the electromagnetic spectrum
- Magnetism and the motor effect
- Motion and forces
- Natural selection and genetic modification
- Particle model
- Plant structures and their functions
- Radioactivity
- Rates of reaction and energy changes
- Separate chemistry 1
- Separate chemistry 2
- States of matter and mixtures
- Static electricity
- Waves
- Cell level systems
- Chemical reactions
- Community level systems
- Electricity
- Elements, compounds and mixtures
- Energy
- Forces
- GCSE OCR Biology (J247/J257)
- GCSE OCR Biology Paper 1
- GCSE OCR Biology Paper 2
- GCSE OCR Chemistry (J248)
- GCSE OCR Chemistry Paper 1
- GCSE OCR Chemistry Paper 2
- GCSE OCR Physics (J249)
- GCSE OCR Physics Paper 1
- GCSE OCR Physics Paper 2
- Genes, inheritance and selection
- Global challenges
- Magnetism and magnetic fields
- Matter
- Monitoring and controlling chemical reactions
- Organism level systems
- Particles
- Predicting and identifying reactions and products
- Scaling up
- Waves in matter