GCSE OCR Latin Set Texts Guides

Prose Literature 2025–2026

Translations and textual analysis of Prose set texts for the GCSE exams in 2025-26. Each text is broken down into manageable chunks, translated into English and accompanied by meaningful notes on style, grammar and literary effects.

For each section of the text:

  • Aided translation activity – suggested word order, additional vocabulary and comprehension questions all support students in making sense of the Latin
  • Widely spaced Latin text next to clear translation – perfect balance between literal, easy-to-follow translations & an eloquent rendering of the text
  • Detailed student-friendly notes deepen their appreciation of the text

  • Overview and biographical notes put the work in context
  • Key technical vocab highlighted – glossaries included
  • Practice Exam Questions with mark schemes – fully prepare your students for the exams!

What do teachers say about this resource? (11939)

It will be a lifesaver when we transfer over to the new texts! I think it's a thorough unit of work, covering just about everything I would want to teach on the topic. The translations from Latin to English are easy to understand, the exam-style questions feel like they come from an exam paper and the glossary will be very useful for students. I liked the number of exercises for each covered extract. I felt that there were enough to give a thorough understanding, but not too many that it was overwhelming.

D Lester, Teacher & Peer Reviewer

On the whole I thought this was an excellent resource. It was up to date with examiners’ reports and quoted useful reference books but was not too dry as to put off those who might struggle with the set texts. It thus walked the tightrope of differentiation very successfully.

It enhances learning by providing sufficient, but not excessive material, so students can gain confidence. Its educational value is to fill a gap in the market for a new selection of set texts,and the introduction for teachers, being so informative, will save them much time, and allow them to draw the best out of their pupils, whatever their ability.

I would definitely purchase this resource.

L Ashley, HoD & Peer Reviewer

What do teachers say about this resource? (12140)

The guide is thorough and useful. Historical background is valuable and comprehensive.

C Bird, Tutor & Peer Reviewer