Topic Tests for CIE IGCSE PE
Suitable for 2022-2024 and 2025-2026 syllabuses
A precise and comprehensive diagnostic tool!
Reveal students strengths and weaknesses for all topics of the Cambridge IGCSE Physical Education (0413) specification.
Quick, easy to use, no hassle tests

22 thoughtfully structured tests, each gradually increasing in difficulty. From multiple choice to extended exam-style questions – perfect preparation for each exam.
- Varied question styles – through match-ups, gap-fills, labelling diagrams, tables, or graphs – maximise engagement and formats expected in the exam.
- Questions include many authentic scenarios and images to link theory and practice.
- Opportunities for data analysis in relation to key areas of physical activity and sport.
- Use in-class, for revision or as homeworks!
- Comprehensive answers with mark allocations for effective peer- and self-assessment.
What do teachers say about this resource? (10943, 10944)
A great resource for testing knowledge in each topic. It's a great way to see what they recall about the topic... Highlight areas of strength and weakness. Good for revision. Broken down into smaller chunks so you can test it as you complete each chapter/topic. Easy to use with the mark scheme. Use this to test knowledge on each sub-topic. We use it at the end of each chapter in the book to get an overall picture of that topic rather than each smaller test, but I like that it has separate sub-sections because you can record scores for each one even if you put two together as a bigger test.