Weblinks and videos for use with 8173 – Language and Social Groups: Comprehensive Course Companion A Level AQA
Social Network Theory
- Kulick (1998) (page no longer exists)
- Cameron and Kulick’s (2003) Language and Sexuality (page no longer exists)
- Zwicky (1997)
- Piccolo (2008)
- Zimman (2013) (page no longer exists)
- Bucholtz and Hall (2004)
- Kitzinger (2005)
- Eckert (1996)
Exam Practice 1
Social Class
- Text A
- The economics of linguistic exchanges
- Labov (1966) (page no longer exists)
- Rickford (1986)
- Snell (2010)
- Labov (1972)
- Labov (1966) (page no longer exists)
- This article posted on the BBC and written by James Harbeck dedicates some discussion to the concept of linguistic insecurity
Exam Practice 3
- Eckert (1998) (page no longer exists)
- Chambers (2008)
- Labov (1963)
- Cheshire (2005)
- Tagliamonte (2008)
- Eckert (2004)
- Trudgill (1986)
Exam Practice 5
- Harris and Rampton (2003)
- This is an interesting article about the evolving use of the N-word, containing several points of view on the acceptability of its usage
- Joseph (2004) (page no longer exists)
- Barth (1998)
- Khan (2006) (page no longer exists)
- Labov (1972)