GCSE Music Mini-mocks

Offer your students continuous exam-style practice in addition to formal mocks:
  • Use under timed, exam conditions at the end of each AoS for focused exam training
  • Or as an in-class walk-through to support students in developing exam skills
  • Also great as stand-alone homeworks

All the benefits of mock exam practice – now easy to fit into any scheme of work

Two condensed practice exam papers for each Area of Study. Each paper fits easily into lesson time and contains:
  • The full range of question types for realistic exam practice
  • A full mark scheme in exam style for easy self-, peer or teacher assessment

Select a product below for full details and to view an inspection copy.


GCSE AQA Mini-Mocks: Western Classical Tradition 1650-1910
web/10582 | GCSE / AQA / Mini-Mocks
GCSE Edexcel Mini-Mocks: Fusions
web/11311 | GCSE / Edexcel / Mini-Mocks
GCSE Edexcel Mini-Mocks: Instrumental Music 1700–1820
web/11022 | GCSE / Edexcel / Mini-Mocks
GCSE Edexcel Mini-Mocks: Music for Stage and Screen
web/11110 | GCSE / Edexcel / Mini-Mocks
GCSE Edexcel Mini-Mocks: Vocal Music
web/11692 | GCSE / Edexcel / Mini-Mocks
Group Discount: GCSE Edexcel Mini-Mocks: Order all for £138
web/11733 | GCSE / Edexcel / Mini-Mocks
£208 £138