OCR GCSE (J277) Computer Science - Multiple Choice Questions
Quick-fire multiple-choice question bank covering every OCR (J277) specification topic. Quickly identify your students’ strengths and weaknesses, and address any misconceptions.
- Perfect for diagnostic and summative assessment
- 25 sets of 25 multiple-choice questions, grouped by OCR specification topic (Component 1: 15 sets; Component 2: 10 sets)
- Easy answer sheets allows for quick teacher-, self- or peer- marking
- Answer explanations reinforce understanding of why certain answers are right or wrong

Upgrade to electronic copies at checkout to receive PDF/DOCX copies with checkbox form fields, enabling students to complete each question bank on screen by ticking the check boxes.
What do teachers say about this resource? (11037, 11038)
A great resource that I would happily use. I think the layout is great and would allow me to get a good level of quantitative data... This resource is excellent and follows the specification for J277 really well. I think that the layout is really clear and covers all of the different questions that you might expect for each sub topic. There is a good variety of questions and also the additional images to help students to visualise things like flowcharts is excellent... the layout is really clear and well presented, I like the fact that there are images in some cases where students will need to visualise certain things... I like when more than one answer is required this is clearly underlined... for an MCQ to give quantifiable data on how a students is doing and provide them with low stakes to help them feel better about their results. To be able to give whole class feedback as well as taylored revision and targetting intervention then this resource is excellent... I really like the simple layout and how it has been presented, there are no questions that straddle pages and each are clearly condensed to maximise the room on the page. The mark scheme comes with very helpful additional commentary too... this sticks to the specification really well, it is clearly laid out in to the different sub parts of the specification and these are clearly broken down to allow staff to use them either has a whole or in the separate parts of the course as they are covered. Theres also more than one MCQ per topic area and this is great for doing closing the gap tasks or even just giving the students another go.
Each topic of the multiple choice quizzes are relevant to the specification. Use suitable exam vocab, that appropriately challenges students in a manner that could be similar to their exam ... All of the questions are closely linked to the specification. A specific area of the may appear more than once in each quiz but slightly reworded. I also like that many of the questions are not straight forward and make the students consider their answers carefully before making a final choice ... It helps build students confidence. Some of the students that struggle with their own answers perform particularly well on the these multiple choice questions. This demonstrates they have an understanding but that it needs working on for the final exam ... this will save you time and provide clear feedback about what areas in a topic need to be worked on ... I am confident that it fully matches OCR J277