- Element A1: Working in the health and science sector 2 tests
- Element A2: The healthcare sector 6 tests
- Element A7: Good scientific and clinical practice 3 tests
Topic Tests for T Level Technical Qualification in Health (2023)
A precise and comprehensive diagnostic tool with 59 tests revealing students' strengths and weaknesses for each section of the exams!
Could be used effectively as a tool to measure progress
- Thoughtfully structured, with each test gradually increasing in difficulty. From simple recall, targeting key points, to multi-part questions requiring greater initiative to finally longer inferential-style questions.
- Questions include many case study scenarios to link theory and practice in the health sector.
- Varied question styles through match-ups, tables, graphics or images, maximise engagement and covers the formats expected in the exams.
- Covering each section of the two exam papers of the T Level Technical Qualification in Health (first teaching September 2023) Specification.
- Use in-class, for revision or as homeworks!
- Comprehensive answers with mark allocations for effective peer- and self-assessment
Some good questions that will challenge students and a much needed resource in the current time as there are so few examples of good questions for the T level qualification
What's covered in each pack?
Select the topic to reveal more:Paper A (Section A: Working in the healthcare sector)
Paper A (Section B: Managing personal information and data in the healthcare sector)
- Element A5: Managing information and data within the health and science sector 3 tests
- Element A6: Managing personal information 3 tests
Paper A (Section C: Health and safety in the healthcare sector)
- Element A3: Health, safety and environmental regulations in the health and science sector 2 tests
- Element A4: Health and safety regulations applicable in the healthcare sector 2 tests
- Element A10: Infection prevention and control in health specific settings 2 tests
Paper A (Section D: Person-centred care in the healthcare sector)
- Element A8: Providing person-centred care 8 tests
- Element A9: Health and wellbeing 5 tests
- Element A11: Safeguarding health and wellbeing 4 tests
Paper B (Sections A-C: B1 Core Science Concepts)
- Test 1: Cells and the Cell Cycle
- Test 2: Large Molecules (Proteins, Carbohydrates and Lipids) and Enzymes
- Test 3: Exchange and Transport Mechanisms
- Test 4: Genetics
- Test 5: Immunology
- Test 6: Injury, Epidemiology and Health Promotion
- Test 7: Homeostasis and Physiological Measurements
- Test 8: Classification of Diseases and Disorders
- Test 9: Particles and Radiation
Paper B (Sections A-C: B2 Further Science Concepts)
- Test 1: The Musculoskeletal System
- Test 2: The Cardiovascular System
- Test 3: The Respiratory System
- Test 4: The Digestive System
- Test 5: The Endocrine System
- Test 6: The Nervous System
- Test 7: The Renal System
- Test 8: The Integumentary System
- Test 9: The Reproductive System
- Test 10: Cancer
What do teachers say about this resource? (12434)
This resource is well structured and thorough. It will save me hours of planning and still enable me to deliver challenging and interactive lessons. Very good... will enable learners to follow through the syllabus with ease. Good use of questions relating to the topic. Suggested resources have been considered well and certainly show a detailed analysis of the requirements underpinning Section D. The different styles of questions reflected by the suggested mark awarded. Each of the topics referred to in Section D allow learners to be stretched and challenged to demonstrate learning. The specification reference table is well executed linking all specification points. Good that a case study approach has been used in many of the topics. The fact that it follows the order of the Section D specification reflects a cohesive understanding of the principles underpinning the specification requirements. It’s a good match to the T Level specification and covers the different levels of questioning used within T Level structure, state, explain, assess etc., which stretch the higher-level learners. I would certainly purchase this resource as it will enhance my teaching and reflect sound approaches to the assessment of learning.
Overall, I think that this is a good resource that would be good as a test / mock style / end-of-module assessment. On the whole, it begins each topic with short answer questions and progresses to long answer questions which mirror the final end-of-year exam, which would help learners with the exam structure. I think it would be more useful to use this resource right at the end of each module as opposed to at the end of the whole delivery of section D as it is very in-depth. The mark scheme and indicative content were very clear and easy to follow for the marker. I especially liked the examples given for some of the long answered questions, they were all relevant to the particular subject and there is a good range of examples using a diverse range of people and circumstances. In particular, I like Test 1, Q8 as this also supports tasks set out in the ESP assessment. On the whole, the resource is relevant to the specification, scheme of works (created by NCFE) and the textbook. A good range of questions is taken from the module as a whole and not just concentrated on one particular area of the module. The resource is clearly set out and the wording and terminology overall is in fitting with the subject and level of the learner. I liked that there were a few images throughout for visual prompts. I think this resource would be well received by the learners and could be used as an end-of-term mock/assessment. I think that it could highlight gaps in knowledge and strengths and weaknesses for them in order to understand where they need further revision and knowledge. Comparing the specification, SOW provided by NCFE and the textbook, I feel that overall the resource matches and interprets very well.
It is a good resource for teaching staff to use as it allows focus on just one section of the exam and therefore provides example questions just for that part and not for all sections. The layout is user-friendly and easy to use, this allows you to find the relevant parts you want to use. By allowing tutors to pinpoint questions of a variety of levels to check learning and challenge students. It matches the relevant points of the specification and this allows it to be used as part D or the specific topic/element you are teaching. I will be using this in my classroom once it is available.
I thought the resource was good for end of unit tests purposes. I liked the way that it moved from easier questions to ones that were much harder. It also involved a 12 mark question with each topic area to practice the more extended questions. I like that there is an appendix which contains the levelled mark schemes... These are also generic, which is a good revision aid. It reflects the specification and is a good test of knowledge.
What do teachers say about this resource? (12607)
I like the resource... it is one I would be looking at purchasing. I like how it mirrors the actual exam at T Level providing a true reflection of what the learners are likely to experience, this can allow learners to prepare and understand the depth required. The answer paper is also clear and concise allowing markers to provide an accurate score of the paper. Annotating the marks available supports the depth of the answers for the learners. I particularly like the differentiated questioning styles, providing a variety of exam-style questioning to enhance the learner's skills. The differentiated styles of questioning allow learners to practice and enhance their answers where necessary, developing their skills and confidence ready for the actual exam. This resource can be invaluable to learners in their preparation for the upcoming exams. Having exam papers not only tests their knowledge but also highlights additional learning requirements. The layout is clear and has been divided into the relevant sections, with clear marks per section... no questions are overlapping on different pages, which is always a positive as these can be missed. The presentation of the paper is good, font and size appropriate, which is carried throughout the paper. I like how the case studies and higher-mark questions are in boxes to simulate the evaluations required. The resource supports the specification requirements and covers all criteria in varied questioning and extensive answers available to gain marks. It presents how NCFE have their exams, providing a true reflection of the exam process and expectations during the exam for learners. This is great as this can alleviate anxieties for learners and they are able to develop their limitations.
What do teachers say about this resource? (12370)
A very well-thought-through resource that would be useful for students revising for the exam or teachers looking for some practice questions for revision. Teachers of T-level science would definitely lap these up. Students can use it as a revision resource.
This is a fantastic resource. I was really impressed reviewing this. There are balanced question types related to the sector and specification. I liked the various questions within the topic tests. The use of graphs and the skillset surrounding finding or recording data onto them is fantastic and exactly what the specification hopes for in relation to the embedding of numeracy skills. The labelling diagrams are proportionate throughout the papers too. I really like the whole resource. There is a fantastic balance of various questioning types and the learner will enjoy each topic test. Test 5, question 4 is my favourite as the questions are within the diagram and enabling for learners as it is a visual prompt too. This is an image to revisit and recall in the actual exam. I feel this meets the specification perfectly. There are various elements the T levels are designed to capture within the exams and this topic test covers them all. I am really impressed with this. There is a fantastic link to the sector and the specification which is perfect. All topics discussed are relevant and within the T-level content.
What do teachers say about this resource? (12369)
I think this is a good resource for learners to prepare for key aspects of the exams. I have to say I really like Test 5... I love the case study used, the questions and the inclusion of an image. It really brings the theme of the case study into the questions. This is a useful tool for short-topic assessments and revision. The topics covered represent the spec well. This supports the recall of information really well. I like the content, specifically the inclusion of graphs. Same high standards as all ZigZag materials; it is presented well. I would most definitely use this as a revision aid. It is a good resource covering the topics well. I like the use of graphs throughout. I really like the link to health. I feel this is a valuable revision and short assessment method for learners. I really like the use of images throughout. I feel the questions match the spec well in terms of the topics.
On the whole, this is a really useful resource. There are very few available resources for the T Level in Health and learners find the science component very difficult. This is useful because it is accessible and covers the main specification content. It could be used effectively for end-of-topic tests. It could also be used for a mock exam before the exam, to identify any gaps in learning that need to be revised. I particularly liked the way it was divided into topics and the way it started with one-mark answers and built up into questions that required more evaluation. This helps learners scaffold their learning and will show the teacher clearly where any interventions need to be put in place for each learner. This resource enhances learning. It has relevant diagrams which complement the specification and the tasks are varied and allow the learners to use the knowledge they have learned. It follows the specification perfectly and is not too difficult or too easy. I think the presentation and layout are logical and accessible. The questions build on knowledge and are presented in a way that makes good use of diagrams and different assessment techniques. This is a really invaluable resource. I love this resource! It is much needed. The presentation and layout are good. There are some good visual diagrams and a variety of question styles to challenge the student.
Some good questions that will challenge students and are a much-needed resource in the current time as there are so few examples of good questions for the T-level qualification. The progression from simple (AO1) to hard (AO3) questions was appropriate and gave my students some confidence when tested with them. They had been concerned that they did not have good enough scientific knowledge and this resource showed them that they did know what they were doing. Practice exam questions are essential for any exam-based qualification and the lack of these for the T-level is a significant problem presently. This is a collection of questions that may be of benefit to students studying for the T-level paper B. It can also be useful as a source of revision resources for teachers to use in lessons or for writing mock exams, especially given the current lack of such resources from the exam board.
I passed a copy of this resource around to the students to let them read it and add their own comments. Many stated they would find it useful: "Helpful for revision and what might be on a test" and "helpful to look through it to see what the exam would be like". Looking at the resource, I feel it is an appropriate balance of difficulty and accessibility that allows all students to achieve. The educational value is allowing students to engage and practise with a resource that allows them to see the sort of questions they might encounter on the actual exam.
I was pleased to see that there was some practice / formative assessment material for the B1 Science element of the T Level Health specification. There is very little material around which is problematic for both learners and teachers. I thought that the resource provided a significant amount of material that would be very useful for my T Level Health learners and their teacher. Very good breadth, covering all of the key areas/topic areas. There are a range of question types. It is also good to have the answers! I am not a science specialist and, like most T Level Health teachers, I am not always confident about topics covered in the B1 spec. Similarly, my science teacher colleague has no occupational / practice experience in healthcare, so struggles with contextualising assessment materials. Recall and some application skills are assessed and reinforced. The scientific language is also important as T Level Health students aren’t used to this and do need exposure before they sit the Paper B assessment. I think the diversity of topics and range of question types also helps to raise learners' awareness of what to expect. ... As a photocopiable resource, this works well. It is clear and simple. The use of completion diagrams and graphics as well as tables helps to engage learners who can be easily put off by empty space and ‘completion lines’. The resource does reflect the level of challenge and difficulty of the specification as well as cover the range of topic areas. As mentioned, the scientific terminology and language used also replicate what is in the specification. Good questions that directly assess relevant parts of the T Level B1 specification and don’t shy away from the difficulty level of Paper B. I tried it with some of my learners as preparation for the Paper B resit. They felt the questions were ‘real’ in the sense of being similar to those they had encountered in their summer exam.
This is a helpful resource for teaching and assessing T-Level students. This resource would probably be particularly helpful for any non-specialists. The content is split into sections accordingly and is easy to follow. This resource is helpful for the teachers and those delivering on T-level to check the progress and ability of students. Some of the questions could be utilised to bridge the gap between GCSE and T-Level. It could be used effectively as a tool to measure progress for students.
What do teachers say about this resource? (11689)
Good resource with appropriate layout which will guide learners to follow through the syllabus with ease. Very good use use of questions relating to the appropriate topics. Suggested resources have been considered well, and certainly show a detailed analysis of the requirements underpinning Section A. The way the resource is structured is simple to follow and allows the teacher to check that students have understood the content. Questions are structured very well and evenly distributed with sound suggested responses. It clearly reflects the specification and is a good test of knowledge through the assessment process. Allocated scores are correct and relevant to the questions asked. Certainly, reflects an holistic distribution of Section A. I think this T-Level, Section A resource is of a high standard and I am confident it is of a publishable standard... I would certainly purchase this invaluable resource as it will challenge and enhance my teaching further in preparation for when we deliver T-Levels. I can confidently say this resource reflects excellent approaches to the assessment of learning. Very thorough and clearly meets the specification. For any teacher, this resource will save us many hours of planning and still enable me to deliver a variety of interactive lessons whilst assessing learning as I go along.
I really like the specification reference table at the beginning, the use of case studies throughout and the mark scheme is fantastic. There are varied questions and really good use of case studies throughout allowing application of knowledge. I feel this really supports learners with their qualification and promotes thought across all the topics included. The variation of questions supports all learners with various academic needs to enable them to use this resource as a learning aid. The command words used are appropriate within the T level specification which aids the learners to develop the exam skills they require… especially as this year most learners on T levels have not sat a formal exam before. There are enough direct questions in comparison with those that will stretch and challenge learner to apply their knowledge to real world situations. I really like the variation of questions and the presentation of the case studies utilised. Test 2 is extremely effective using case studies to ascertain knowledge of progression routes within the sector and directly links to occupational maps utilised within the specification. Question 7 is particularly good requiring the learner to fully assess the route decided in the case study. Tests 1, 3, 4, 5 , 8, 10 and 11 all have a high point question with points awarded for good written communication which embeds the English skills detailed within the specification really well. Test 8, question 4 is an amazing case study to use. I really like the use of this to promote discussion on prioritisation of public expenditure.
Well presented and covers the spec really well. I really like the use of case studies which are present throughout. This resources takes the learning of key themes and puts it into practice with the use of case studies. Fantastic, I really like the layout and the balance of question styles. All the key themes are covered throughout with a good amount of higher command words and a fair amount of AO2 and AO3 content. The questioning techniques used and the command words are perfectly aligned to the spec. It was a pleasure to read, thankyou.
Very useful resource with some good questions to challenge and support students who are completing this qualification. The exam board have been very reluctant to release many practice questions so it is very useful to have an alternative source of ideas for allowing students to practice. This resource includes a range of questions that cover all possible difficulty levels (AO1 - AO3) and some case studies to go with them. By far the best way to improve learning in an exam based course is to practice exam style questions. The current lack of past papers and the confusion over how the exam will be presented has been a concern for many. Many of those who teach the topics of section A (the clinical and social skills) were not previously teachers of exam based topics so this is a new experience for them and being able to rely on a source that gives them ideas for questions is invaluable.
This is an extremely good resource for both teachers and learners. As a relatively new qualification it will give teachers confidence that what they are teaching can be assessed with confidence. It gives students good practice for the exam which they would not have if they relied on resources from the NCFE.
I thought it was a very useful resource because there is only one exam paper available which covers all the elements and all the sections. This gives teachers a limited amount of questions to use with their students. This will give them a good set of questions, which range from short answer to extended questions. I liked the way that it was set out to go from easier questions and work up to the harder questions.
I also liked the way that it was mapped onto the specification. The presentation and layout is perfect. it is logical and will help both teachers and students to work up to the harder questions in each area.
Easy to read and easy to understand. Good wording of questions. Different activities enhance different learning areas. Matches the criteria, and layout of NCFE exams.
- Health
- NCFE Level 3 T Level Technical Qualification in Health (603/7066/X)
- T Level Topic Test
- NCFE T Level Level 3 Health Topic Test
- Paper A: Core knowledge and understanding
- Section A: Working in the healthcare sector
- Element A2: The healthcare sector
- Element A1: Working in the health and science sector
- Route
- Pathway
- T Levels
- Health and Social Care Topic Tests
- Element A7: Good scientific and clinical practice
- Element A6: Managing personal information
- Element A5: Managing information and data within the health and science sector
- A10: Infection prevention and control in health specific settings
- Section C: Health and safety in the healthcare sector
- A3: Health, safety and environmental regulations in the health and science sector
- A4: Health and safety regulations applicable in the healthcare sector
- Element A9: Health and wellbeing
- Element A11: Safeguarding health and wellbeing
- Element A8: Providing person-centred care
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Body Systems
- Biology
- B1 Core Science Concepts
- Paper B: Core knowledge and understanding
- Bopdy Systems
- B2 Further Science Concepts