- Element 1: Wider Context 2 Topic Tests
- Element 2: Supporting Education 7 Topic Tests
Topic Tests for NCFE T Level in Education and Early Years
A precise and comprehensive diagnostic tool revealing students strengths and weaknesses for each section of the exams!
The style of questions used are similar to the actual exam they will be sitting and the marking feedback is an additional resource to help with their understanding
- Thoughtfully structured, with each test gradually increasing in difficulty. From simple recall, targeting key points, to multi-part questions requiring greater initiative to finally longer inferential-style questions.
- Questions include many case study scenarios to link theory and practice in the education and early years sectors.
- Varied question styles through match-ups, tables, graphics or images, maximise engagement and covers the formats expected in the exams.
- Covering each section of the exam papers of the T Level Technical Qualification in Education and Early Years Specification.
- Use in-class, for revision or as homeworks!
- Comprehensive answers with mark allocations for effective peer- and self-assessment
This resource really helps the learning for the student and helps both teacher and student see what knowledge is established and where the gaps are
What's covered in each pack?
Select the resource to reveal more:11875 - Paper A (Section A)
12068 - Paper A (Section B)
- Element 3: Safeguarding, Health and Safety & Wellbeing 6 Topic Tests
12168 - Paper A (Section C)
- Element 4: Behaviour 8 Topic Tests
12426 - Paper A (Section D)
- Element 5: Parents, Families and Carers 3 Topic Tests
- Element 6: Working with Others 3 Topic Tests
12702 - Paper B (Section A)
- Element 7: Child Development 6 Topic Tests
12755 - Paper B (Section B)
- Element 8: Observation and Assessment 3 Topic Tests
- Element 9: Reflective Practice 3 Topic Tests
12745 - Paper B (Section C)
- Element 10: Equality and Diversity 4 Topic Tests
12831 - Paper B (Section D)
- Element 11: SEN and Disability 7 Topic Tests
- Element 12: English as an Additional Language 3 Topic Tests
What do teachers say about this resource? (12168)
A very valuable source in teaching T levels. I think this resource is good, it has a good clear layout and I like how there is a good range of styles of questions in it. It clearly links to the element and it allows the student to share their knowledge and by the level of the questions showing extended of their knowledge. I like the use of case studies, images and tick box answers in the paper and the answers have extensive detail... the detail in the answers will allow students to peer mark. This resource will help those teaching the course to be able to see the learning and so will the students. It will allow for further support for teaching and help prepare the students for their exams on this new course. I think it matches the spec well, the reference to the element is clear to see, there is clear depth within the resource to assess the student’s knowledge. The style of questions used are similar to the actual exam they will be sitting and the marking feedback is an additional resource to help with their understanding. An excellent resource, which will support teachers extremely well.
What do teachers say about this resource? (11875, 12068)
Overall I think this is a really useful resource. I think the use of range of questions styles is ideal to check understanding and prepare the students for the actual paper. Its layout linking to each of the elements and criteria and will help a teacher use this resource wisely. It is very helpful in the supporting of the delivery... you could give the paper out in parts and it will also aid the student as well in their knowledge. I really like the style of questioning and the use of the tables in some of the questions to guide, I like the idea that it can be used for peer marking and the answers are clear and concise to help students mark each others, I think this will help the student to embed their own knowledge by looking at the types of answers they can use. It will be able to identify the gaps for more teaching, which is vital in teaching the T levels. I think these types of resources are now valuable as post 16 moves to T level qualifications. It is similar in its layout to the core exam in the T level. I think it matches the breath of topic and uses a range of questions styles so this will allow the students to be prepared for when they sit their exam. It is a robust resource covering each element. I think this would be a good resource for us as a college to purchase is there is clearly a lot of detail in it and a resource that can be used in lots of ways in delivery.
What do teachers say about this resource? (12426)
Very good comprehensive resources to help teachers and students with the core exams they will have to complete as part of their qualification. The teacher's guidance includes details on how to mark and therefore know what to deliver in teaching. I liked the use of case studies to help and the similarity to the Core Exam of the T levels. This resource really helps the learning for the student and helps both teacher and student see what knowledge is established and where the gaps are. I really like the way it is laid out... similar to what the students will be exposed to through delivery and assessment. An excellent resource capturing key elements throughout. The standard of production is very high.
- T Levels
- Education and Childcare
- Paper A: Core Knowledge and Understanding
- Education and Early Years
- NCFE Level 3 T Level Technical Qualification in Education and Early Years (603/5829/4)
- T Level Topic Tests
- NCFE T Level Level 3 Education and Early Years Topic Tests
- Assisting Teaching
- Early Years Educator
- Element 1: Wider Context
- Element 2: Supporting Education
- Health and Social Care Topic Tests
- Element 3: Safeguarding, Health and Safety & Wellbeing
- Element 4: Behaviour
- Element 6: Working with Others
- Element 5: Parents, Families and Carers
- Element 7: Child Development
- Paper B: Core Knowledge and Understanding
- Element 8: Observation and Assessment
- Element 9: Reflective Practice
- Element 10: Equality and Diversity
- Element 11: Special Educational Needs and Disability
- Element 12: English as an Additional Language