Topic on a Page for OCR Cambridge Nationals:
Health & Social Care
Attractive and eye catching
Visually engaging A3 posters with concise, easy-to-learn summaries of every specification topic. Help students see the bigger picture on an entire topic.
Included for each of the 7-9 topics:
- Summary Poster giving at-a-glance overview
- Two sets of partially complete Activity Posters with focused tasks, providing differentiated versions for individual learner needs.
in both photocopiable A3 and A4 formats
Accessible for different levels of learners
- Diagrams and images illuminate key concepts
- Many practical examples to promote effective application
- Perfect for end-of-topic consolidation
- Use as place mats or as a classroom display
- Great knowledge organisers; perfect revision overviews before exams or Non-Examined Assessments
- Partially complete Activity Posters make an excellent homework
Extremely useful for students to revise, prepare and create notes from
What do teachers say about this resource? (12467)
An essential aid for teachers and students of R032. The overview of each section has enough information to be learnt and applied well, if used regularly and as part of a revision schedule this resource could be really valuable. I like that each topic area has its own section and that in the main the sections are clearly set out. The dual coding aspect is very desirable as looking at pages of text in textbooks, exercise books or revision guides can be very taxing for some students. I feel this resource could be used in many ways. As a knowledge organiser to aid revision of topics, as a fill-in-the-blanks exercise to ensure key content can be recalled. If used within a robust revision programme could help those who may find revision difficult from their own notes to learn, memorise and then apply the information to exam questions successfully. Fits the specification well. Everything that needs to be covered is there in a format that students can access.
A great resource - suits high-level to lower-ability. Thorough. Full of detail with good exam-linked tasks. A good revision tool
- R033: Supporting Individuals through Life Events
- Revision Posters
- Health and Social Care Topic on a Page
- knowledge organisers
- Revision guides
- J835
- R032: Principles of care in health and social care settings
- OCR Cambridge Nationals (Level 1/2)
- OCR Cambridge Nationals Health and Social Care Topic on a Page
- OCR Cambridge Nationals Topic on a Page
- R034: Creative and Therapeutic Activities
- R035: Health Promotion Campaigns
- OCR Cambridge Nationals (2022) in Health and Social Care (Level 1/2)
- Health and Social Topic on a Page