Case Studies with Activities for T Level Technical Qualification in Health
Learning through case studies!
Students step into the fictional town of Willowbury to explore the lives of its residents and the roles of its healthcare professionals. Engaging case studies challenge students to think critically, encouraging creativity as they apply their theoretical knowledge through ready-to-use activities aligned to the T Level in Health specification.
Meet the people!
- 10 professional profiles give insightful accounts of healthcare roles and responsibilities
- 5 case studies offer realistic scenarios that bring health conditions to life
A great deal of time has gone into the planning and production of this
Apply knowledge through 12 student-led worksheets – each utilising a case study and a different mix of professionals.
- Carefully targets all assessment objectives, from foundational knowledge to analysis and evaluation.
- 40+ engaging tasks – interactive activities, discussions, research and practical exercises – enhance knowledge, core skills, critical thinking and collaboration.
- 180+ minutes of extension/homework and optional tasks for advanced learners or independent study, targeting higher-level assignment criteria.
Plus! Comprehensive answers – for peer- and self-assessment.
Paper B (Section A) covers cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous and musculoskeletal body systems.What do teachers say about this resource? (12784)
[What do you like about this resource?] Use of a case study to revise different areas of the syllabus and make links, this enables learners to embed knowledge and link to the ESP. Reviewing and improving others' work – links well to ESP peer review task. Good to have extension activities, we have a wide variety of abilities among our learners. Pg 60 optional task is a great idea, this really links into the care planning task for the ESP. Very comprehensive mark scheme which saves a lot of time for staff. It enables learners to see links between different areas of learning and how to apply these to the ESP. It would be good to use for revision towards the end of the year, especially for the core B content. It encourages research, which is important in the ESP. Questions are well matched to core B exam questions, particularly interpreting the data.
It is evident throughout that a great deal of time has gone into the planning and production of this resource. It will be extremely beneficial to learners as they prepare for their exams as the materials cover topics relevant to B1 and B2 of paper B. I found the teacher’s introduction informative as it included information about the topics covered and an overview of how to use the resources. The suggestions provided here set the scene on how resources should be used and some elements of timings. I liked that the author considered sustainability and how photocopying can be reduced. The teacher's overview provides a checklist of the content of each activity and the resources required. This will aid the organisation and time management of the staff delivering the activities, which is always appreciated. I really liked how there was cross-reference to the specification to show which elements of B1 and B2 were being addressed in each activity.
The Willowbury scenario is excellent and learners in my geographical area will be able to relate to this. I appreciated that it considers socio-economic factors, health factors and the services available to the residents in this area. Learners apply their understanding of this in the activities as they progress through. Each of the health/social care professionals included in presentations 1-6 was appropriate to the case studies and showed a great deal of understanding of the roles these professionals undertake. I found that writing these in the first person brought the people alive and I could imagine them presenting their information. The five case studies were effectively structured and contained detailed information about the individual, their health and past medical history which made the individuals more relatable. I appreciated the fact that all individuals were diverse and were contemporary issues being addressed such as gender.
When coming to the activities, information has been included about topics covered - these were also cross-referenced to core skills in regards to the ESP - I thought this was especially relevant and useful for the teaching staff/learners to appreciate was being addressed.
At the end of the resource, answers are included which will be beneficial to new/inexperienced staff and if shared, for the learners themselves. I did like that there is also information in regards to structuring exam questions and achieving marks for quality of written communication.
Their was nothing I disliked about this resource. This resource would enhance learning as it focuses on individuals in case studies and the named professionals support them. There are elements that can be applied to core A as well as core B which is an advantage e.g. codes of practice, Legislation etc.
Overall, I feel that the educational value of the resource is high and will impact achievement in the exams. I was really happy with the presentation and layout. All activities were logically ordered, introduced and easy to navigate. The images used were helpful as they will enable learners to identify with the professionals and individuals in the case studies. The resource matches and interprets the specification effectively throughout. This is evident in the teacher’s overview and the introduction to each activity. I found this to be extremely helpful. I appreciate the time and effort that has gone into the production of this resource and have enjoyed being able to review it.