eRevision for GCSE OCR Business
For Learning | eRevision | Exam Practice | Setting Homework
What’s it all about:
Fast and effective online interactive learning and eRevision. Covering the entire specification with 160+ fun interactive challenges covering every topic. Plus 90+ marks' worth of exam-style questions with model answers. Differentiated content based on target grade.
Orders for multiple packages from the same faculty at the same time attract a 50% discount on all but the first package. The first package is the highest priced. To claim quote SAMETIME50.
The most enjoyable revision site yet
My pupils adore this resource
A great, intuitive system... My dept achieved the highest marks in the school and I believe we are in the top 5% nationally... eRevision helped the staff and students attain such impressive results
I was very impressed with how motivating and engaging eRevision is!
All your homework set and marked!
It's varied, fun and engaging, with medals, trophies and leader boards and 9 different challenge types:
All about eRevision in 135 seconds...
What do teachers say about this resource? (2600, 10924, 10947, 10948, 10949, 10950, 10951, 10952, 10953, 10954, 10955, 10956, 10957, 10958, 10959, 10960, 10961, 10962, 10963, 10964, 10965, 10966, 10967, 10968, 10970, 10971, 10972, 10973, 10974, 10975, 10977, 10978, 10979, 10980, 10981, 10982, 10983, 10984, 10985, 10986, 10987, 10988, 10989, 10990, 10991, 10992, 10993, 10994, 10995, 10996, 10997, 10998, 10999, 11000, 11001, 11003, 11004, 11006, 11008, 11010, 11012, 11030, 11031, 11063, 11073, 11092, 11100, 11153, 11155, 11162, 11178, 11202, 11258, 11266, 11273, 11283, 11322, 11323, 11346, 11349, 11378, 11393, 11406, 11445, 11481, 11521, 11557, 11558, 11569, 11592, 11678, 11725, 11736, 11794, 11797, 11894, 11898, 11902, 11908, 11913, 11962, 11969, 11988, 12157, 12178, 12183, 12239, 12351, 12457, 12471, 12476, 12596, 12608, 12626, 12632, 12637, 12655, 12768, 12772, 12777, 12898, 12903, 12908)
an amazing resource and so versatile in its use. Superb for home learning, revision and general homework. Also gave the pupils a sense of competition ... It is so adaptable to many ways of learning and teaching ... Super for revision in the short or long term ... It can be geared to a grade boundary that is suitable to the individual ... Do not hesitate order today
I would like to thank you for the use of your resources which are of an outstanding quality. I will recommend your organisation to everyone in the teaching profession.
My pupils adore this resource. Fantastic.
I find the resource really well planned and set out, it is very easy to set specific tasks and also review and track progress ... The questions and tasks are very relevant, and they are set out in a way that gives all students of all capabilities the opportunity to extend their understanding and also learn more from ... The students really engage well, they like the questions and the different styles of assessment, they feel it is not so pressurised and actually enjoy doing the tasks ... It is better because of the variety of styles, and the way the tasks are set out, there is something to appeal to all students. It is also easy to track and make comparisons on their learning ... It is a quick and easy way to set assessments to consolidate the learning and understanding, which can be useful to set as homework or use to prepare the next lessons ... I was really pleased with the resources for both BTEC DIT and Computer Science, I will definitely use them again each year
This is a brilliant response to the changing demands of Media Studies teaching...
The interactivity element is excellent and would appeal very much to the modern student.
From a teacher’s perspective, SLT are always asking for lists of revision topics, and this does it in one fell swoop.
Invaluable I would say.
I really would encourage all media centres to buy this resource.
eRevsion helps me learn a little bit because it explains what each thing is gives us multiple of quizzes to do on a specific topic.
Easy to access.
Very simple to use.
It helped me by giving back my marks to the questions straight away so I knew where I was going wrong.
It’s good for revision as it is fun.
Easy to use and is very easy to understand.
I liked that I got instant feedback on the quizzes.
It has helped me retain the information needed for the exams by repeating the exercises until they stick.
I enjoyed the eRevision platform.
I liked the multi choice quizzes the most.
It helped me revise as it’s not boring and I enjoyed doing it.
If I completed all of the quizzes, I think I would get a higher level because I’ve managed to learn a lot already and I've only done a few quizzes. A good way to revise and learn what percent you’ve got right in the quiz.
I liked that we could have competitions between our friends and challenge others to see who could get the top marks.
I found it an easy and useful way to revise things I wasn’t that confident on.
It also helped to remind me of topics I did last year that I had forgotten about.
A simple and easy way to revise.
I found doing the quizzes on eRevision gave me a clear understanding of what subjects I understand and what I need to a little more work on.
I enjoyed completing the exam questions at the end, because it gives me a true reflection of my knowledge.
There isn’t any quizzes I disliked as all of them benefit and improve my knowledge in some way.
Seeing the percentage of each subject helps me see what I need to work on and I feel as if doing all of the quizzes would improve my knowledge and help me achieve a high grade.
I would recommend eRevision to my friends as it is a good way to refresh knowledge and improve it.
Helpful way to test my knowledge.
I think it could possible help me get a higher grade as it is good practise.
I would recommend to friends as it a different kind of website to all the others.
It helped me to go back and look at work I’ve done in the past and think about it as well as how to put detail into answers.
It helped me revise as I could go through the topics and keep on re-doing the quizzes till I had a pass.
It has simple access to the website and has a good layout.
The exam questions were the best because they were realistic.
Helped me by showing the percentages of what I got and what I need to get better with.
I liked that it allowed to get the answers straight away and I knew if I was right or not.
I like the fact I was allowed to keep trying and not shut out so I could keep improving.
Really good because it is easy to access and easy to use.
It helped me to remember it more by having 3 chances on the same quiz.
It is a good revision website and to definitely use It.
The content matched the spec and was accurate throughout.
The quizzes are suitable...
I used these at the start of a lesson to help with recapping of a previous topic and turned it into a competition between the students.
The lower and mid range students have used this as knowledge retention for their mocks and have spent more time on this revision site than any other due to its kinaesthetic nature and the instant feedback of answers.
All abilities showed a positive interest in the games.
All students said they would carry on using this at home for independent study.
The most enjoyable revision site yet, that students of all abilities can utilise to reinforce knowledge.
I really like the questions asked and the fact that each exercise was short
students will be more likely to use this than wade through text books.
I have reviewed quite a lot of resources for you and this is the one I have wanted most so far.
Incredibly useful.
Teachers can easily track progress and identify areas of weakness before the exam.
Many of my students are working far ahead of the others and the colour coding/percentages are an intrinsic motivation tool to get greens [passes] or 100%!
A great, intuitive system that encourages students to take ownership of their learning.
eRevision was amazing and the little tweaks at the end of the year helped.
My dept achieved the highest marks in the school and I believe we are in the top 5% nationally... eRevision, along with the zigzag lesson plans, helped the staff and students attain such impressive results.
Easy to use, colourful and comprehensive
A key revision tool
All your homework set and marked!
An excellent way of tracking learners' progress... Students can complete the tests at home, in school or even on their phone.
Very challenging and detailed for students to learn.
Students completed it in an after school revision session.
Challenging, thought provoking and supports long mark Q’s very well.
Useful exam prep.
Helps test you.
I think it would help you get a better grade as it lets you know what you need to revise.
It was easy to understand how to use and quite good to use for revision.
Gap fill, match up, categorise are good.
This is good for recapping information and discovering information.
Match up was my favourite.
It was easy to use and access.
It gives you second chances if you get it wrong.
It really makes you remember things.
I was very impressed with how motivating and engaging the revision website is.
I found all the exercises useful and very intuitive to use.
The exercises are varied and fun.
Some of the words are repeated across the topics, which consolidates learning.
The system is user-friendly.
The writing activities are particularly helpful as the model answers give the students an idea of how to score better marks.
Teacher: The quiz types are enjoyable and are useful for reinforcing learning.
They are intuitive enough for students to do on their own (as homeworks, for example.)
Students: “It was fun” | “I felt really engaged” |
“It was an interesting way to revise”
Excellent... a great resource that covers the specification and allows pupils to work at home
Delivers the course content in a no-nonsense manner
An excellent platform, and particularly valuable right now.