Exam Preparation for GCSE Eduqas Media Studies
Component 1: For assessment from 2025 - content for assessment from 2027 (first teaching Sept 2025) coming soon and will available to download for free upon purchase of the resource!
Component 2: For assessment from 2027: pre-order now - expected June! Plus, any content relating to final exams in 2025 and 2026, will be included as an appendix.
Student-friendly revision notes and activities for the 2017 GCSE (9–1) Ed
Perfect your students’ exam technique with these supportive and student-friendly guides.
① Deconstruct the exam
- Clear and concise notes cover all types of exam-style question, as well as LIAR, context, theories and the AO's, so students have clear exam expectations
- Original exam-style questions with sample answers and examiner’s commentary demonstrate best practice and pinpoint common errors.
② Practise and build exam skills
- Progressive and differentiated exam-style questions put learning into practice and develop writing skills.
- Plus!Writing frames support lower-ability students.
③ Apply skills and test yourself
- Synoptic exam tips for last-minute, confidence-boosting advice.
- 2 mini-mock papers, complete with student-friendly mark schemes consolidate learning.
Incredibly supportive for the students and helps them to develop their skills for exams
What do teachers say about this resource? (12383)
A really useful and well-presented resource - useful to have both information-based pages and worksheet-style pages for students to complete. In line with the specification's information about set products from the specification - really useful for both staff and students. A range of set products have been assessed in the practice papers, covering all of the genres and forms (film posters, lifestyle magazines, newspapers, advertising posters, gaming, radio drama). Presentation and layout is great. Very versatile in that this could be used by students independently as revision, or as part of a lesson - even a non-specialist could use this as a cover lesson. The practice exam questions follow the same style as the Eduqas exams, which will benefit the students and teachers using them. The resource not only allows for teachers to assess their students using the detailed indicative content, but allows students to get used to the wording and formatting of exam questions too. The indicative content is detailed and in-line with the guidance from Eduqas for teaching and assessment. The format is easy to navigate and would work well as an exam paper to give to students to complete either in class or as homework.
This resource is valuable as it asks students to apply the AO’s to exemplar answers, therefore they are understanding how to develop and structure their own responses. The resource also tests student’s knowledge of the set texts and reinforces any prior learning, it also allows the teacher to identify where students may have some misconceptions about the texts/topics… The Mini mocks are very useful, the indicative content is good for students to see and use when marking their own work... I think the example answers and range of information would save me a lot of planning time.
Brilliant! Incredibly supportive for the students and helps them to develop their skills for exams. It covers the full range of the texts and enables the students to identify development. ZigZag are fantastic. I have always used them because it saves me a lot of time and the students find them really helpful.
Content is of a high quality... Very well matched to the curriculum and exam board requirements.
AOs clear and set out from the start. Good repetition and reminding of AOs at every assessment opportunity. Linking back to Marking criteria and AOs is excellent practise. The sample essays are accurate to the level of response expected by the exam board. The guidance and reasons why marks were awarded is good and clear.
What do teachers say about this resource? (12576)
Really enjoyed this product, I found it useful and straightforward. This would really benefit my students. I liked how easy to understand the guide was, I got some useful information and tips that I will use in my lessons. It would really benefit the students, really insightful and fantastic advice. Easy to understand and to follow. I would definitely use this for my students... It has been thoroughly well researched and definitely knows what is needed in this exam... Teachers who purchase it will definitely benefit from it and their students too.
High quality and wholly appropriate to the spec and content students are expected to cover. Well-structured and flows through effectively each section building on the previous. Throughout the resource, the questions asked and examples given are both relevant and appropriate.
Fantastic! Matches the Eduqas specification exactly. It really helps to support the students with the more difficult paper. There are varied activities that really help the students to work on particular areas that they find tricky. All students of different abilities can access the information. There are not a lot of resources out there for this specification but I always use ZigZag. The resources are really easy for students to understand but they do help push students too.