Topic Tests for BTEC Tech Award in Health & Social Care (2022)
A precise and comprehensive diagnostic tool revealing students' strengths and weaknesses for each Component!
Extremely valuable to teachers as it allows us to monitor progress and challenge misconceptions
- Thoughtfully structured, with each test gradually increasing in difficulty. From simple recall, targeting key points, to multi-part questions requiring greater initiative to finally longer inferential-style questions.
- Questions include many case study scenarios to link theory and practice.
- Varied question styles through match-ups, tables, Gap fills or images, maximise engagement and for Component 3 covers the formats expected in the exam.
- Covering Component 1, Component 2 and Component 3 of the BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care (2022) Specification.
- Use in-class, for revision or as homeworks!
- Comprehensive answers with mark allocations for effective peer- and self-assessment
Really comprehensive answer section which not only saves a teacher time but helps a non-specialist or single-person department
What do teachers say about this resource? (12229)
I think it is a comprehensive resource that covers all of the content in this component. It will be a useful way to reinforce the content that needs to be learnt for this component especially since the other components are not examined and so, therefore, do not need to be learnt. I like the use of case studies so that students can apply their new knowledge to real-life situations. This will help to consolidate their learning. There is a really comprehensive answer section which not only saves a teacher time but helps a non-specialist or single-person department. There is a range of activities, from easier to harder, such as multiple choice, true or false (but with scope for extension through having to provide justification), explaining activities and then questions with points available for answers. I think it is well presented, in a clear format that could be used straight from the page in lessons. I think the fonts and headings are student-friendly and there is a good use of images to accompany the text. It matches [the specification] completely. Each section of the specification is assessed in the order in which it appears on the exam board documentation. I don't teach it in this order but each section is clearly labelled so this will not be a problem. I think it is fit for purpose and I will find it very useful with my year 11 students as we prepare for the mock exams and then the actual exams.
I really like the versatility of this resource... It can be used for flipped learning before a taught lesson, it could be used for consolidation during a lesson or could even be set as homework. I also like that this resource includes different types of questions, which can be attempted by lower attainers and stretch the most able students. It is great for peer and self-assessment in lessons, or as a way of tracking students for intervention purposes. This resource enhances learning as it gives students the opportunity to stretch their knowledge of the requirements of the exam board... gives them lots of opportunities to gain practice... allows learners to develop their exam technique, make mistakes and learn from them so that they maximise their potential in the exam. This resource is extremely valuable to teachers as it allows us to monitor progress and challenge misconceptions.
I would recommend this resource to anyone who is about to embark on this section of the course. It provides easy to understand scaffolded assessment practice activities that help prepare learners for assessment. The resource has a logical flow, but can also be dipped in and out of when needed by the teacher/assessor to support where necessary. It is clearly laid out and easy to follow, and the sections are clearly defined. The resource supports formative assessment and enable learners to gauge attainment of knowledge at regular intervals which students will benefit from enormously. Written in a very accessible style, with lots of different scaffolded questions from multiple choice to extended answers supported by a case study... [it] covers of all the underpinning knowledge, content and understanding needed at level 2 to ensure that learners are fully prepared for this course. It helps in preparation for the external assessment. [It] would be invaluable to gauge student learning... A very valuable resource especially for those taking up HSC for the first time.
- Health and Social Care Topic Tests
- BTEC Tech Award Topic Tests
- Component 1: Human Lifespan Development
- BTEC Tech Award Health and Social Care Topic Tests
- BTEC Tech Award (2022) in Health and Social Care (Level 1/2)
- BTEC Tech Award (Level 1/2)
- Component 2: Health and Social Care Services and Values
- Component 3: Health and Wellbeing