Getting to Know Packs for A Level Eduqas Component 2
Actively engage students with the Component 2 set products through a range of entertaining yet academic magazine-style articles. Explore different topics across the media frameworks and theories while getting to know each of the set products in depth.
A very useful resource for students to have a broader and more in depth understanding of the set products and their contexts
Structure offers the perfect balance between guided classwork and independent study for a flipped classroom / seminar-style approach:
- What should I know?
Students are introduced to key background information to maximise understanding. - Getting to know…
Up to 20 articles on a variety of topics – including niche aspects not covered by the textbook – build knowledge. Each article includes a range of discussion tasks to engage and challenge students. - Show what you know!
5–10 essay questions with indicative content prepare students for the exam.
What do teachers say about this resource? (10179)
This is a fantastic resource which aids the understanding of this topic. I can envision some of this to be used as stretch and challenge for the most able students. I particularly like discussion questions at the end of each section - this could formulate a really nice 'seminar' like discussion with an able cohort. The keyword boxes are really nice addition and overall, the whole resource is structured really well with the learner in mind. The resource is structured in such a way that ensures learners can work through it in their own pace as a pre-reading activity or to consolidate learning from the classroom.
A very useful resource for students to have a broader and more in depth understanding of these two set products and their contexts. The structure seems particularly useful as I can pick and choose the articles that I would like the students to read and engage with. There are an excellent range of topics covered in lots of detail. I like the thought-provoking discussion questions at the end of each article as they can be particularly useful for in class discussion and can be set as homework tasks to recap knowledge. There is seemingly a lack of resources provided by the exam board for the Component 2 products and textbooks provide the information segmented across the books, so I feel that this will be valuable for teachers and students aiming to develop a broader understanding and have all the contextual information required in a number of easy to access, focused articles.
I really liked the tone of the articles: they read as very approachable and would be easy for students to engage with. I think the discussion questions were thought provoking and would make interesting homework activities. It is well presented and easy to navigate through. I like the fact that there are parallel articles on the two texts so that they ca be used in tandem. The layout, including the use of subheadings and definition boxes makes it really student friendly.
What do teachers say about this resource? (12253)
A very useful resource for students to have a broader and more in depth understanding of these two set products and their contexts. The structure seems particularly useful as I can pick and choose the articles that I would like the students to read and engage with. There are an excellent range of topics covered in lots of detail. I like the thought-provoking discussion questions at the end of each article as they can be particularly useful for in class discussion and can be set as homework tasks to recap knowledge. There is seemingly a lack of resources provided by the exam board for the Component 2 products and textbooks provide the information segmented across the books, so I feel that this will be valuable for teachers and students aiming to develop a broader understanding and have all the contextual information required in a number of easy to access, focused articles.
This is a fantastic resource which aids the understanding of this topic. I can envision some of this to be used as stretch and challenge for the most able students. I particularly like discussion questions at the end of each section - this could formulate a really nice 'seminar' like discussion with an able cohort. The keyword boxes are really nice addition and overall, the whole resource is structured really well with the learner in mind. The resource is structured in such a way that ensures learners can work through it in their own pace as a pre-reading activity or to consolidate learning from the classroom.
What do teachers say about this resource? (12507)
I like the writing style and mode of address to the students/ teachers. Great to have answers at the back for students to self check. It would offer confident students some additional reading at an appropriate level. Very useful to newer teachers.