Practice Papers for A Level AQA Law
Exams from 2019
Comprehensive practice for the new A Level exams!
Each resource has three full practice papers of original exam-style questions that mirror the question types and number of marks in your exam board’s sample assessment materials. Indicative content is provided for every question for marking guidance.
It fills a much needed gap of practice papers for students to work through which is the best preparation for the exams
Ideal for revision and mocks:
It is a huge time saver and a reliable resource, with all the mark schemes provided too
- designed for the 2017 specification
- follow the structure and style of the AQA SAMs
- cover the A Level topics thoroughly
- offer original scenarios to encourage new analysis opportunities
Flexible! Questions can also be set as revision for key topics, homework or extension work.
What do teachers say about this resource? (11049, 11051)
I think this is an excellent resource to supplement the Sample Assessment Materials, and Past Papers given on AQA Centre Services, but are different, more up-to-date, relevant and have a similar feel to those from AQA which students will see throughout the course. I like how it is clear to students what they need to be doing in each question, making it an ideal resource for use as formative and summative assessments.
[I particularly like]: -The contents page. This makes it very clear for teachers where they can find the different papers for quick printing where time is an issue.
-The mark scheme makes it very time efficient for teachers and gives students immediate feedback.
-The challenge which some of the questions given
This resource is ideal as either a revision tool or as papers that students could complete as an extension/homework activity. Much of the vocabulary matches very well with our specifications, this could also be utilised for summative and formative assessments as many of the ones available from AQA are freely accessible online, or have been exhausted throughout teaching the course.
I think the content of the questions matches with the specification very well, with some questions being easily accessible to all whilst others clearly stretch the more able candidates. I also feel that the relevance and up to datedness of these questions make them ideal for pushing students to watch the news.
Excellent resource - accurate and easy to use with well-justified mark schemes to allow for accurate marking & feedback to students.
The paper is divided up exactly as the AQA exam papers are, and I like the option for the write-on papers, as well as papers with just the questions which are useful for not taking up too much space when copying for revision materials.
As I am teaching outside my subject specialism, it allows me to provide high-quality revision materials and exam practice to my students to make sure they are fully prepared for their exams.
It is accurate and easy to use. Having the questions in 2 formats means that it is easy to photocopy whole papers for mock exams, but also to use the single questions in revision booklets without wasting paper.
This resource will save you time and give you the confidence that you are giving your students the best chance at doing well in the exam!
Matches AQA spec very well.
A very good resource as a bank of papers to work through with students. The mark schemes are clear and easy to follow which enables the resource to be used as part of a self assessment assignment.. It provides the student with a greater understanding of the demands of the exam paper. The layout of the mark scheme is very useful as it provides a clearer guide than the exam boards mark scheme. Clearly written with the key content and assessment in mind.
I thought this resource was great, ready to use in the classroom straight away to develop exam skills and practice questions.
The variety of the questions was good, the style was just that of the exam paper and there was indicative content for marking. This was succinct so was easy for a teacher to use or to give to students to interpret.
There is great educational value to this resource, for a relatively new specification where past papers are few and far between. It could be used as a mock, for in class questions, homework tasks or self-marking review activities -it is multi-use!
The presentation and style mirrored that of the exam papers so was very good to give students a feel of what they might encounter in the exam.
This resource matches the spec perfectly and covers a wide range of it, on both contract and Human Rights options so is of very wide appeal.
I thought this resources was excellent!
What do teachers say about this resource? (9680)
Really useful to have practice papers which follow the same model as those on the AQA website which are really limited. These have been invaluable for mock exams & giving students exam practice.
The paper is divided up exactly as the AQA exam papers are, and I like the option for the write-on papers, as well as papers with just the questions which are useful for not taking up too much space when copying for revision materials.
Students need exam practice and there are so few past papers on the AQA website, so this is a huge benefit. It also saves me a lot of time not having to keep dreaming up questions!
It is accurate, well put together and easy to use.
It is a huge time saver and a reliable resource, with all the mark schemes provided too.
Matches AQA spec very well.
It is excellent. It fills a much needed gap of practice papers for students to work through which is the best preparation for the exams. The question papers build up in difficulty, so it enables students to gain in confidence. The scenarios are engaging and are accessible to students. The mark schemes are clear and easy to follow so will allow for students to peer mark and/or teachers to easily mark the answers and see where further learning is needed. This is of great educational value.
The papers reflect those released by AQA in style. There are a full range of offences covered on each of the specimen papers and English legal system has good coverage also. The 15 markers are well phrased and the accompanying mark schemes are exhaustive enough to ensure that a range of different responses would be credited. This will be a very useful resource for planning and teaching. These provide teachers with a wide range of possible questions and mark schemes which will alleviate workload. These could be used in class, set as homework or used as the basis of mock exams. They are also consistent with AQA papers which is encouraging for teachers whose subject has yet to be examined.
What do teachers say about this resource? (10498)
This is a really well organised set of practice papers which are great for mock exams or as revision materials for students in the run up to exams.
These really fill a gap, as the AQA website has so few past papers available.
It allows me to give students opportunities to complete practice papers and hone their exam technique. It is particularly useful for me as I am teaching outside my specialism, so it saves me a lot of time trying to come up with new questions.
It is accurate, well put together and easy to use. It follows the AQA spec. so I don't need to spend too much time checking the quality before sharing with students.
It is a huge time saver and a reliable resource, with all the mark schemes provided too. It is particularly useful in the absence of past papers from the exam board. Matches AQA spec very well.
It will be immensely useful to students and teachers when published. Across the papers, it is effectively a good revision resource for Paper 2 as it covers most areas on the specification in detail. The 'suggested answers' demonstrate how the law can be stated and applied which is a key skill that is difficult to teach. Clearly a lot of work has gone into the making of this resource.
I can definitely see the usefulness of this resource, especially with a relatively new specification where are few past papers to use. This was very typical of the exam papers for this specification and could be instantly used with a class. The answers were detailed and could be used not only by a teacher when marking, but also given to students after sitting the mock as a teaching and revision aid.
- A Level Law
- A Level AQA Law (7162)
- 3.1 The Nature of Law and the English Legal System
- 3.2. Criminal Law
- A Level Practice Papers
- A Level Law Practice Papers
- A Level Law Practice Papers Paper 1
- A Level Law Practice Papers Paper 2
- Paper 2: The Nature of Law and the English Legal System
- Tort Law
- 3.3. Contract
- A Level Law Practice Papers Paper 3
- 3.3. Human Rights