A Level AQA Politics Practice Exam Papers
Perfect exam practice for your students!
- Includes detailed mark schemes with specific indicative content
- Suggested mark allocation divided by level & AO
The educational value is huge - they provide students with the opportunity to really understand the demands of the exam before they sit it
What do teachers say about this resource? (9262)
It's a wonderful resource to help familiarise students with the exams they will be sitting ... It had an excellent set of comparative essay questions and some handy/unique 9-markers too ... It simulates a real exam situation for them - valuable exposure! ... It provides some well-thought through questions which could well come up in future exams ... If you want a ready to go set of exam papers then this is the solution! ... It perfectly matches the assessment style of the exams outlined in the specification.
Excellent for any teacher with the AQA specification - it has looked carefully at what was expected from the exam board for Paper 2 and provided four different examples which should give Teachers ample opportunity to test their student's ability in the subject. It is close to the Sample Papers provided on the AQA website and the exam content is carefully chosen... The questions are varied and well chosen... The mark schemes give good detail for the students in order to improve and guide their exam skills. This is clearly tailored to AQA and consequently the value of the resource is huge... The comparison questions (UK and US) are worded well and provide a real test of the analytical knowledge expected from the students for the 25-mark question ... plenty more opportunities for students to hone their skills before the exam ... These could also be done as a walking/talking mock going through the questions with the students and then answering them in timed conditions.
What do teachers say about this resource? (9260)
10/10 - so useful. It saved me time and also allowed students to get to grips with practicing exam skills early on ... It matches the real AQA exams really well in terms of difficulty, structure and variety ... It saved me a lot of time when it came to producing internal exams/assessments ... I know of no other resource like this! No one else provides such a complete exam pack for Paper 1 ... This provides you and your students with an excellent set of questions that will sharpen their exam skills and help get students in an exam mindset! [Matches the specification] perfectly.
These are excellent for any teacher with the AQA specification - it has looked carefully at what was expected from the exam board and provided three different examples which should give Teachers ample opportunity to test their student's ability in the subject... The educational value is huge - they provide students with the opportunity to really understand the demands of the exam before they sit it. This also takes the pressure off of the Teachers in having to create lots of exam papers and allows teachers to plan around this resource... matches the specification perfectly.
What do teachers say about this resource? (9508)
It is so handy due to the limited number of past papers available and practice questions given in the textbook ... It was laid out just like a real exam paper - it is ready to print and use! ... It gets them to practice crucial exam skills and offers them clear mark schemes with indicative content sections which they can sue to assess how well they've done ... It offers a genuine practice situation to the exams that the students will sit ... It's a great ready to go resource - truly useful! ... It provides exam papers that perfectly match the spec in terms of the assessment style of exams
- A Level AQA Politics (7152)
- Mock exams
- Paper 1: Government and Politics of the UK
- Politics Practice Exam Papers
- A Level Practice Papers
- 7152
- A Level AQA Politics
- Paper 2: Government and Politics of the USA and Comparative Politics
- Paper 3: Political Ideas
- Anarchism
- Feminism
- Nationalism
- Ecologism
- Multiculturalism
- Socialism
- Liberalism
- Conservatism