Differentiated Homework Packs for GCSE AQA Chemistry
Deliver a fantastic homework programme for your GCSE students with these homework packs – each covering half the GCSE course.
Varied, engaging activities provide excellent opportunities to consolidate and develop writing, creative, practical and maths skills – exactly what GCSE Chemistry students need!
I liked the range of different activity types - like the code breakers, Venn diagrams and question tessellates

- Differentiated to include two versions of each homework so you can give some students more scaffolding and examples.
- Tailored to match the course, with specification grid so you know when to use each homework.
- Full mark schemes allow you to track progress of your students through the year, as well as peer and self assessment.
What do teachers say about this resource? (11629)
This is an absolutely fantastic resource. The tasks/activities are well planned, varied, engaging, interesting, fun and really motivate students and help develop interest in chemistry - which is exactly what every GCSE chemistry student needs. There is a wonderful range of activities/tasks from gap fills, match ups, label diagrams, word searches and puzzles. I believe that this challenges students and gets them thinking.
I particularly like some of the very interesting activities this resource has. For example, fractional distillation and petrochemicals [activity 3 - code breaker], and cracking and alkenes [activity 2 – who am I?]. I love the way the chemistry activities relate to everyday lives and careers in science/medicine - for example, medicine, pharmacy, paint industry, hair dyes. The detailed mark scheme is very helpful.
The two versions of each worksheet are very well differentiated. The questions are more structured/have more scaffolding for students who need more support, and there are questions which require more thinking or need to be well remembered with less clues and can be more open ended for more able students who need to be stretched and challenged more. The exam style questions with each homework helps to develop exam technique throughout.
I highly recommend this resource.
I thought the worksheets were quite well laid out with easily understood questions. I liked that the sheets were not all info then comprehension Qs.
I think this challenges students on the whole and also gives them an opportunity to read around the subject e,g, look up names of catalysts or processes that are not mentioned on the AQA specification to broaden their knowledge. I like that other topics in biol/ phys are brought in and linked to the chem content.
This is a good resource for recapping/ reviewing work covered on lessons or maybe for an interleaving homework in later topics. The different versions of the worksheets are well differentiated e.g. easier = graphs with scale and harder= graphs with no scale. The exam questions will improve student exam technique.
I like that there are symbols rather than tier/ levels on the worksheets. This will make students less self-conscious of their ability level.
It is an easy go to source for homeworks that span the higher ability range and would help differentiate between grade 7/ 8/9s.
Regular use of diagrams is helpful for learners. Range of activities means it will not be boring for learners.
[There is a ] good variety of activities which allows learners to explore a topic from different perspectives, in different ways which will assist in developing understanding and memory retention.
What do teachers say about this resource? (8049)
An excellent and awesome resource which has a wonderful selection of homeworks for GCSE chemistry. This is a fantastic resource for recapping, reviewing and revising work covered during lessons. The exercises cover the higher ability range and helps to differentiate between level 7, 8 and 9. Higher level and foundation level homeworks are clearly stated throughout the resource.
I love the range of activity types – anagrams [word unscramble], Venn diagrams, code breakers, tessellates, dominoes, Sudoku, gridlock, labelling diagrams and match up – I think it’s completely amazing and makes homework time interesting, exciting and fun! Each sub-topic has a range of activities followed by exam style questions – this is absolutely brilliant for exam practice.
I strongly feel that this resource greatly enhances learning as it includes a wide variety of activities which allows students to explore a topic from different perspectives, in different ways, which will help in developing understanding and help students to remember and retain information [aid memory].
I would definitely purchase this resource to use with my GCSE students and I highly recommend this resource to others.
The topic questions for homework are easy for teachers to locate and the full mark scheme make marking quick and easy.
A great selection of homeworks. I liked the range of different activity types - like the code breakers, Venn diagrams and question tessellates.
Order followed AQA specification so easy for teacher to locate the questions they need.
- GCSE Chemistry
- GCSE AQA Chemistry (8462)
- GCSE AQA Chemistry Paper 1
- 4.1 Atomic structure and the periodic table
- 4.2 Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter
- 4.3 Quantitative chemistry
- 4.4 Chemical changes
- 4.5 Energy changes
- GCSE Differentiated Homework Pack
- GCSE Chemistry Differentiated Homework Pack
- GCSE Science Differentiated Homework Pack
- GCSE Homeworks
- 4.10 Using resources
- 4.6 The rate and extent of chemical change
- 4.7 Organic chemistry
- 4.8 Chemical analysis
- 4.9 Chemistry of the atmosphere
- GCSE AQA Chemistry Paper 2