Course Companions for BTEC Level 3 in Health and Social Care
It is more thorough in content than the BTEC text book
Clear and comprehensive course notes that go beyond the textbook to support the BTEC Nationals in Health and Social Care.
Build knowledge…

Course Companion for Unit 1
has been endorsed for
BTEC Level 3 Nationals in
Health and Social Care.
- Accessible notes in specification order, break down key concepts into student-friendly language.
- Keywords are highlighted throughout – plus a full glossary helps to maintain focus and build familiarity with need-to-know terms
- Detailed diagrams help students to picture key
theories and stimulate visual learners
Diagrams are clear and well-labelled...
...the revision questions are well-focused for students to recheck knowledge and understanding
… then put it to the test!
- Revision questions throughout help students retain knowledge
- Structured in learning aim order to help link theory and key assignment criteria
- Answers provided for easy peer-/self-marking.
What do teachers say about this resource? (10053)
The resource is comprehensive and covers the specifications for Unit 12: Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs. Mapped extremely well to the specification. The case studies and applied learning activities will certainly benefit the learners learning and enhance their understanding. Notes provided are clear and easy to follow. The case study activities are varied throughout allowing learners to reflect holistically and includes contributing information to support learning further. Learners will be able to use the resource to complement and enhance learning further from that of what the teacher delivers. It also allows for flipped and blended learning opportunities. Assessment criteria has been mapped into the resource to allow for learning to be contextualised. I would 100% purchase this resource. I have taught Unit 12 for the last 3 years and this resource would have been my lifesaver when coming to differentiate learning activities. A delight to review this resource. A considerable amount of time and effort has gone into the making of such an amazing resource.
What do teachers say about this resource? (9460)
It is very well set out and is interesting for the reader. The explanations are clear and concise and map well onto the specification. Unit 14 is often hard for health and Social students to understand because it is very science based and many of them will not have passed GCSE science. However, this author has made the information very accessible, without leaving out anything essential. The addition of key words and a glossary at the end of the resource is a great idea. It is useful for the learner to check their learning as they go along and also useful for the teacher who can use these to develop short answer quizzes to check learning in plenary and starter sessions. It separates the information into manageable chunks. The revision questions at the end of each section are useful to consolidate learning and check that learning has taken place. It is presented in a logical way and the pictures an extra textboxes make it interesting and concentrate the attention. The examples given are good because the learners will be able to relate to them and thus apply their knowledge. The information from the specification is thoroughly covered.
This resource is excellent... as a new teacher to BTEC without any department resources, this has saved me hours of work. Information is clear enough for students to work from independently. It covers all the learning aims very clearly and the students have clear and accurate information. It is more thorough in content than the BTEC text book. Don’t let the price put you off, the content will save hours of planning and researching, and you can use it again and again and again…
Provides sufficient information that students will be able to use to supplement their independent learning.... clearly divided into sections that reflect the specification. The diagrams are clear and well labelled and the revision questions are well focused for the students to recheck knowledge and understanding. Useful in supporting students through their assignments... clearly identifies both key terms and further research elements for independent learning.
What do teachers say about this resource? (9941)
Really good resource with a good layout which will enable students to follow through the syllabus with ease... Good use of key terms in individual boxes which highlight for students’ specific terms they need to know. Has case studies specifically linked to HSC, meaning the students are clearer in their application of the theory. Overall the layout appears very logical and will allow students to gain a clearer understanding of the unit... students can be handed the section relevant to the learning aim rather than trying to wade through it all and missing out the most relevant and important parts particularly in relation to their assignments.
The resource is presented really well and links so well to the specification. Sectioned appropriately with clear guidance throughout. I think it's great there are end of section questions to consolidate learning. The suggested responses are excellent. Excellent information relating to all the psychological perspectives. The strengths and weaknesses of each are presented really well. Pictures also supplement the writing and understanding further. The style of the resource in itself clearly has a strong was of enhancing the learning. The style of questions is robust and using the case study approach is excellent. The style of extended questioning is sound and will certainly demonstrate knowledge and understanding further for the more advanced learners. An excellent resource showing a deep level of knowledge and understanding of psychological perspectives linked clearly to the specification.
What do teachers say about this resource? (10196)
An excellent resource taking a lot of plotting and planning away from teachers current workload. Presented really well and links so well to the specification... Sectioned appropriately with clear guidance throughout. I think it's great there are end of section questions to consolidate learning. The suggested responses are excellent.
The style of the resource in itself clearly has a strong way of enhancing the learning. The style of questions is robust and using the case study approach is excellent. The presentation is excellent and is easy to follow. Teacher guidance notes are clear with each section linked to the specification. Good style of presenting the questions. All learning aims and key points have been embedded within this resource. There is a strong link with key features such as applied activities and research activities and the use of case studies. I most certainly would purchase this resource.
This is a really good and overall a really supportive resource for the pupils. Having taught the unit in the past it has been really challenging for some of them to full engage and understand the unit, but this resource will really help them out. The resource is really easy and straight forward for the pupils to use and helpful to them all. The application of the key terms is good which allows the pupils to get a better understanding of the tasks. The use of the case studies to explain the key terms and support the pupils is good and helpful for them when writing up the tasks. The resource has a number of key explanations and definitions which the pupils are able to use in their coursework write up, and they will be able to use these definitions to identify if it has been successfully and accurately applied to the case studies they are writing about. The layout is really easy to follow and helpful for all the pupils. It is detailed where suitable but also supportive for them all. The balance of writing and images to support the pupils is right, it breaks up the resource really well for the pupils and doesn't overload them with too much information. The resource follows the same flow and direction of the specification, making it easy to work towards the marking criteria. The pupils will be able to follow the resource and work towards the grading criteria, by making sure they have included the correct information as they work through.
An excellent support tool for lower ability students who may struggle to independently research. It is a useful tool for both students and teachers to check their understanding... The end of each topic has a simple topic test to allow a teacher to check the understanding of each topic and how it could impact the individuals. It could easily be personalised to the case studies that are chosen. The topic tests are also similar to the knowledge that is required in the assignment to allow students to show any misunderstandings or miscommunications. I also really liked the simple explanations of the different theories required in this unit as it makes it accessible for lower ability students. It allows learners to be more organised about what information to include when they are doing their assignment as each of learning aims are clearly organised throughout.
I thought that the resource was very thorough and covered all of the learning aims in enough detail to enable learners to gain the basic knowledge needed so that they had a solid foundation to build their knowledge on. Keywords and definitions are written in a way that is accessible to students of all ability levels. I particularly like the way it is structured... simple to follow and enables me to check that students have understood the content. Tasks are well structured and evenly distributed. The resource is of education value... [it] enhances learning of students, particularly higher ability students where the tasks challenge their thinking and enables me to debate and discuss key concepts and ideas. I think the resource matches and interprets the specification well. It clearly follows each learning aim and is structured in a way that follows a logical pathway through each learning aim and substandard.
- BTEC Nationals (Level 3)
- BTEC Nationals (2016) in Health and Social Care
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- BTEC Nationals (Level 3) Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care (601/7197/2)
- BTEC Nationals (Level 3) Foundation Diploma in Health and Social Care (601/7199/6)
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- BTEC Nationals (Level 3) Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care (601/7198/4)
- BTEC Nationals (Level 3) Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care (Health Studies) (601/7198/4)
- Unit 1: Human Lifespan Development
- BTEC Nationals Course Companion
- BTEC Nationals Health and Social Care Course Companion
- Health and Social Care Course Companion
- BTEC Course Companions
- Unit 5: Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs
- Unit 11: Psychological Perspectives
- Unit 12: Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs
- Unit 14: Physiological Disorders and their Care